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On Full House — the sitcom that made Lori Loughlin famous in the late ’80s and early ’90s — every conflict was resolved in time for the end credits.

Unfortunately for Aunt Becky, her current woes will not be wrapping up in 22 minutes.

Loughlin, Lori

In fact, according to a legal expert who recently spoke with Us Weekly, Loughlin’s role in the now-infamous college bribery scandal could land her behind bars for years if not decades.

“The feds have an overwhelming amount of evidence against her, including emails, phone calls and financial documents,” says Los Angeles-based lawyer Neama Rahmani.

Rahmani also says it was a major mistake for Loughlin to turn down a plea deal in favor of maintaining her innocence.

Lori Loughlin Off to Court

“No jury will acquit them,” the attorney says in reference to Lori and his husband, fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli.

As you’ve likely heard by now, Loughlin stands accused of offering bribes and participating in an elaborate con in order to ensure that her two daughters would be accepted to USC.

The whole thing backfired spectacularly, and not only in the sense that Loughlin might be going from Full House to the big house.

Aunt Becky

Lori and Mossimo’s daughter Olivia Jade Giannulli was a popular influencer who admittedly had zero interest in higher education.

Now, both of Loughlin’s daughters have dropped out of USC for fear of bullying, and it looks as though Olivia’s career as a social media personality is officially a thing of the past.

Already, Gianniulli has been dropped by Sephora and several other beauty and fashion brands with whom she had struck lucrative deals.

Olivia Jade and Lori Loughlin

These days, insiders say Olivia has cut ties with her parents and fully blames them for this potentially career-ending scandal.

Actress Felicity Huffman was also ensnared in the investigation the FBI is calling Operation Varsity Blues.

But ever since the week that Loughlin and Huffman were both arrested, their fates have diverged dramatically.


For one thing, Huffman’s alleged crimes turned out to be much less severe — she shelled out $15,000 in bribes, compared to Loughlin’s $500,000.

Also, Huffman did the cautious thing and accepted a plea deal.

Insiders say Loughlin remains “in denial” about potential prison time and turned down the deal “based on her legal team’s confidence."

We hope for her family’s sake Lori knows what she’s doing.

Even Danny Tanner can get her out of this mess.