If you have eyes and internet access, then you’ve probably noticed that the Khloe Kardashian of today looks mighty different than the Khloe Kardashian of yesterday.
And the Khloe Kardashian of, say, five years ago … forget about it.

For the past couple of years, Khloe has been undergoing a massive transformation.
It’s actually been kind of overwhelming just to witness it.
She’s lost a lot of weight, and after the weight loss she began toning up.
Around that time, she also got herself that classic Kardashian backside — she’s said she earned the bigger butt through tons of squats.
Whether or not that’s true, well … you just believe what you want to believe.
As with the rest of her siblings, Khloe denies having had any plastic surgery, though she has admitted to getting fillers a couple of years ago.

But lip injections don’t count as plastic surgery, right?
And even though she hasn’t really spoken out about getting anything done to her lips, she doesn’t really have to at this point.
These days, the proof is in the pudding.
Or the pouty, ridiculous selfies, as the case may be.
Khloe shared this new photo of herself, and though it looks like she’s trying to show off the location (she captioned the photo "Malibu"), and while she’s got a healthy amount of cleavage going on here, all people can seem to talk about is her face.
Specifically those lips:

"WTF is good w that face," one person wrote. "If you want your lips to be bigger just borrow more stuffing from Kylie."
We’d wager that there’s a good chance Khloe is getting her lip "stuffing" from the same place Kylie is getting hers, but whatever.
"What the hell did you do to your lips?" another person asked, even adding the hashtag "botched."
Proving that even her fans are getting alarmed, someone told her "I love you girl. But what did you do to your lips? You don’t need any of that."
"The idea of looking for perfection makes people change what was once beautiful …." a particularly philosophical follower suggested.
But lots of people commented things like "KEEP TRYING MICHAEL JACKSON!!!" and "A DUCK WITH HERPES," so don’t worry, the majority of Instagram is just as savage as ever.
It seems like, whatever has been going on with this woman, the general consensus is that she needs to chill.
And, well, that’s pretty fair, right?