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Just when you think the drama in Kailyn Lowry’s life is finally starting to settle down …

LOL, just kidding. Why would anyone ever, ever think that?

Kailyn at School

While she’s never been arrested or spent time in jail or developed a serious drug addiction or started a career in porn like some of her fellow Teen Moms, she’s definitely had her problems.

This year, her main thing was having her third baby with her third baby daddy, something that has — surprise! — turned out to be a little bit of a mess.

She had her baby at the beginning of this month, and he’s very precious and she seems just as happy as can be to have another child.

But still … the drama.

All throughout her pregnancy, we heard that the baby’s father, Chris Lopez, was kind of a fling for Kailyn, and he didn’t stick around after he knocked her up.

Some reports even claimed that he wanted nothing to do with her or their baby, and she seemed to confirm that herself.

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In these weeks after Baby Lo’s arrival, Chris has stepped up a little bit, but rumor has it that he’s still struggling with the idea of being a dad.

And, according to one especially alarming rumor, Chris’ mother may be trying to force the role on him by urging him to go for full custody of Baby Lo.

"Chris has no desire to try and take his kid away from Kailyn," the insider who first revealed this development claims, "but his mom is concerned about visitation rights."

Not only that, his mother is also concerned about Kailyn’s "lifestyle," as well as "the fact that she has three children from three fathers."

Apparently "Chris’ mom really wants Baby Lo to be raised by her family and standards."

Even though Chris, who we assume was "raised by her family and standards," chose to impregnate this woman she’s looking down on — and he also nearly abandoned her.

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But that’s none of our business.

So if we’re to believe this report, Kaliyn is caring for Baby Lo mostly on her own while also caring for her two other sons, and now she has to worry about all this.

And according to this update on the custody situation from Hollywood Life, she is really, really worrying.

"Kailyn is so shocked and disgusted that Chris would even consider trying for custody," a source claims. "It’s unbelievable to her."

"She truly thinks he would never take things to that level, but just the threat of losing her baby is enough to send her into a tailspin right now."

Poor Kailyn "still has a lot of pregnancy hormones surging through her body," and "she’s feeling very emotional and vulnerable."

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"Plus she’s looking after a newborn as well as two other kids, so she’s exhausted and sleep deprived."

She has said that she chose to get pregnant with Chris, so really she should have known that things could get this messy.

But still, it sounds like a terrible situation, and we can’t help but feel sorry for her.

As the insider continues, "Kailyn’s an awesome mom," and "she’s proved that" — which is true.

She’s definitely made some mistakes and more than a few questionable choices, but Isaac and Lincoln are both happy, healthy, darling little kids, and she had a whole lot to do with that.

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Thankfully, the source also says that "Although she hasn’t got her parents in her life, she does have a strong support network around her."

"None of Kailyn’s friends think it’s a possibility, and they keep reminding her to stay strong and just focus on her children."

"But that said," the source goes on, "it’s still really upsetting and frightening and it’s really the very last thing she needs to be dealing with right now."

Smartly, "Kailyn’s trying to defuse the situation by throwing love at it."

"She’s being super sweet to Chris’ mom and trying to involve her as much as she can in the baby’s life, and hoping that by doing so she’ll come around and see what a great mom Kailyn actually is."

Here’s hoping …