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Sadie Robertson is making like Demi Lovato in a new viral video.

The former Dancing with the Stars competitor “just got out of the shower one day… and was kind of preaching to myself,” she told Robin Roberts on Good Morning America yesterday.

So she decided to turn on the camera and let fans have a glimpse into her world view, offering them life advice that is all about having confidence in oneself.

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"I am 5 foot 7. I weigh 122 pounds, I wear a size 26 in jeans," Robertson says. "A small or a medium top (just depends on what I’m wearing). I wear a size 2 in a dress, and I eat all the time. I’m not toned. I don’t have abs. Nope, definitely don’t have abs.

"I actually do have a thigh gap and that’s only because I’m really bow-legged and my thighs have never been able to touch."

On top of her her self-perceived physical "imperfections" come a number of what Sadie viewers as character flaws.

"I struggle with jealousy, and I struggle with comparing myself to other people. I struggle with worry and I’m really hard on myself. I’m just like every other girl. 

"I look in the mirror and I pick out the flaw, which is embarrassing but it’s true. I overthink everything and I’m definitely not perfect at all. I have a hard time with people not liking me."

As anyone who takes the time to watch Duck Dynasty online knows, Robertson’s faith is very important to her and her family.

But her video’s overarching message is not one of religion. It’s one anybody can relate to.

"I want to see people start living original," she says in the seven-minute clip. "About a year ago, I started preaching about confidence. That’s mainly because I struggle with confidence…. If you want to have goals, that’s great, but my point is:

"Don’t look at somebody and say, ‘That’s what I want to be.’ Because in reality, if you’re seeking self-approval or human approval, you’re never going to reach your goal.

"You can only reach it by God."

Okay, fine. It’s a little bit religion. But the overall takeaway remains the same: love who you are, people. Love who you are.