In less than a month, Game of Thrones Season 5 will debut in more than 170 countries.
It’s hard to recall a time when a season premiere has been more highly-anticipated, so it makes sense that newcomers who don’t know the Iron Throne from the Iron Islands would want to cut to the chase so they can pile onto the bandwagon.
Fortunately, Entertainment Weekly asked the cast to sum up the first four seasons of GoT in just 30 seconds. As you might guess, they failed in spectacularly hilarious fashion:

While Emilia Clarke may have had the most accurate summary ("Blood, death, boobs.") Peter Dinklage’s confusion between GoT and the other most addictive drama in TV history provided the most LOLs:
"Tyrion is a chemistry teacher at a high school," Dinklage says with a perfectly straight face. "He finds this guy Jesse Pinkman, and they get a Winnebago, and they get involved with some fried chicken place."
With all the Game of Thrones mash-ups out there, how is Breaking Thrones starring Walter of House White and Jesse Pinkjoy not a thing? Get on it, Internet!
Anyway, if the new season is half as entertaining as the Thrones-inspired viral videos we’ve been enjoying the last few weeks, we should be in for something seriously epic.
Hey, if nothing else, there will be plenty of boobs and blood. (Hopefully not in the same scene.)
If you actually want to catch up in time for the April 12 premiere, or if you just want to relive some of the show’s bloodiest, boobiest moments, you can always watch Game of Thrones online at TV Fanatic.