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Given the fact that he still has two books to finish in the acclaimed series that inspired Game of Thrones, fans of George R.R. Martin’s would probably prefer that he stay out of harm’s way.

Unfortunately for them, Martin has made it clear that he doesn’t give a dragon’s deuce what his fans think, and he recently decided to involve himself in a high-stakes international pissing contest.

As we imagine you’ve heard by now, the Seth Rogen-James Franco comedy The Interview was pulled from theaters this week following a series of terrorist threats from what’s believed to be a group of North Korean hackers.

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Several stars have expressed their frustration over the fact that the nation’s five largest theater chains backed away from the film, thus setting a dangerous precedent and essentially giving in to the demands of terrorists.

But while most celebs are content to post outraged online tirades, Martin is putting his money where his mouth is and offering Rogen and company a chance to show their movie on the big screen.

In a recent LiveJournal rant (dude is stubbornly old-school), GRRM blasted the “corporate cowardice” of the Regal, AMC, and others, and offered to screen the controversial flick at his own independent theater in New Mexico.

“Come to Santa Fe, Seth, we’ll show your movie for you,” Martin writes.

Obviously, Rogen’s gotta be less than thrilled with the fact that basically every theater dropped The Interview, making a small arthouse in Santa Fe his best option for reaching an audience, but c’mon…it’s not every day the man who created the Starks offers to make you the King in the South.

Hopefully, Mr. Martin is aware of the price that’s already been paid by victims of the hacking scandal: