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Kate Walsh made her full-time return to television tonight on Bad Judge Season 1 Episode 1.

The former Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice star appears here as Rebecca Wright, an officer of the law who knows how to have a good time away from her chambers, but who punishes residents of Los Angeles inside the courtroom.

Despite her wild child ways, she’s known for being tough and well-respected.

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But Wright also possesses a reputation for unorthodox behavior, which includes creative rulings and saying everything that’s on her mind at all times.

This is where Bad Judge mines most of its premiere humor, but nothing Wright says is really all that provocative. It’s also unclear how she even rose to this position of power when her personal life is such a mess.


We’re not judging (pun… intended!) the number of male suitors who come calling on Wright here. Nor do we care that she doesn’t want to settle down with them.

But it’s a tad difficult to believe that Rebecca can be so naughty away from the courtroom and still have worked hard enough to wear the robe in the first place. Maybe we’re over-analyzing a comedy, however.

Did you catch the Bad Judge premiere? Pardon the obvious pun, but what’s your verdict if so? Hand out a grade now: