Despite previous denials, Iggy Azalea’s legal team is now pulling an about face of sorts, saying the purported sex tape of her MIGHT be real after all.
There’s also a chance the Iggy Azalea sex tape was filmed when she was under 18. If the thing exists, that is, which it might not. Anyone else confused yet?
When the story first broke that a sex tape of the Australian rapper and an ex-boyfriend was being shopped to porn giant Vivid, her team shot that down.
Then she personally denied its existence a second time, leaving no gray area that this is not a legit tape and that we could all return to our lives.
Right? Well, not so fast!
Azalea’s lawyers now say, in a bizarre statement, that any sex tape would be the work of a “spurned business suitor,” in other words Iggy’s former flame.
That person’s goal would be to damage her reputation and career out of revenge, which is obviously uncool, but would not be the first time, sadly.
Then it gets weirder still:
Iggy’s attorneys say the alleged sex tape may or may not have been filmed “without her knowledge or consent” … and when she was still underage.
We understand that they might not know if she was a minor if they can’t pin down when it was filmed, but the other part? Either she did consent or she didn’t.
Let’s review her stance:
The plot thickens.