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Bar Refaeli is too hot for Israel.

The gorgeous model is featured in a local television commercial for fashion brand Hoodies. But The Second Authority for Television and Radio in that country has banned the spot from playing during primetime.

So, what’s the issue?

The ad features Refaeli and Red Orbach, a famous Israeli puppet who fronts a fake rock group called Red Band.

In the following footage, we see Orbach imagining a few fantasies with the blonde bombshell, including a threesome; a jaunt in the hot tub; and a game of strip poker.

We never see Bar Refaeli nude, however, though Orbach’s privates get blurred out at one point. Watch now:

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Think Israel is overreacting? Or is this ad crossing a line?


We understand if you need to view it a few dozen more times to make a final determination.

The controversial commercial has been included in this collection of memorable videos, which stars off with another famous hottie: Kate Upton!