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Desiree Hartsock’s brother Nate is at it again, offering candid assessments of her love life. This time, he says his sis “settled” for fiance Chris Siegfried.

Nate Hartsock famously ruffled feathers last year when Desiree appeared on The Bachelor, bluntly taking his sibling and suitor Sean Lowe to task.

Now he’s turned his sights on Desiree Hartsock and Chris Siegfried – who he admittedly likes, but was not her first choice by any stretch of the imagination.

“Desiree went on the show because she wanted to get married so badly and she wanted the family and to have kids,” Nate told Life & Style magazine.

“Obviously Chris wasn’t her first choice. I think it’s obvious she settled for him.”


He’s not hating, though. In fact, not only has Nate signed off on this potential future brother-in-law, he thinks a wedding WILL be in their future:

“Desiree is at the point where she’s ‘all in’ with Chris, and I think he is just happy he gets to be with her,” he adds, predicting they will wed within a year.

“She is happy with him and with how it ended up. I think this will be a short engagement, I could see a wedding happening even quicker than next summer.”

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Viewers expected Desiree to reject both finalists, Chris Siegfried and Drew Kenney, after she was dumped by #1 pick Brooks Forester in epic fashion.

But Nate called out Reality Steve and The Bachelorette spoilers on Twitter, and sure enough, she shook it off and accepted Chris’ proposal on the finale.

No one saw it coming, including Nate or Des. But that doesn’t mean it won’t last, and if he says there’s a good shot, you know they’re doing well.

If they weren’t, well, he’d be the dude who’d tell it to you straight.

Desiree has been active on Twitter this week, expressing sadness over the passing of Gia Allemand, but joy at the fact that she moved in with Chris.

What do you think: Will Des and Chris make it to the altar?