Chris Brown is fighting back at the city of Los Angeles and its effort to force him to take down the graffiti art on the front of his Hollywood home.
His justification: It’s protected by the 1st Amendment. Naturally!
Brown just filed an appeal with the city, which informed him he would be fined for the “unpermitted mural” on the front wall of his house. He disagrees.

He claims the city cannot assess fines or force the removal of art which “[enhances] the architectural and aesthetic features of the residential property.”
It’s an interesting argument. And then comes the kicker:
“The murals are a reflection of [my] aesthetic taste and a reflection of free speech and expression protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”
Translation: It’s my damn house, I can decorate it to my liking, and just because you aren’t fans of my art doesn’t make it unlawful, so step off.
Brown’s appeal rests with the Dept. of Building and Safety’s board of appeals. If they deny it, he can bring the fight to L.A. County Superior Court.
It’s actually interesting … depending on how passionately he wants to dispute the constitutional right, he could make a state or even federal case out of it.
And as we know from the Drake-Chris Brown feud, or his affection for Karrueche Tran and Rihanna simultaenously, he doesn’t let things go easily.