The traditional two-hour filler episode of The Bachelor provided no huge revelations, but there were some fireworks last night on the Women Tell All special.
The Hot Seat was aptly titled at times. We’ll take what we can get.
How didit all play out when Brad Womack’s outcasts reunited for mediation sessions with host-pimp Chris Harrison? Here’s THG’s trademark +/- recap!
First, props to the great Chris. This is who you’d want in the room if you were being sued. Not as an attorney, just a debonair, calming, pimping presence. Plus 13.
We don’t recognize half of these women and we watch every week. Minus 15.
One of the season’s final four, the adorable mortician Shawntel N., did not say a word. Did she not wish to? Is she not interesting enough? Either way, Minus 11.
There will be a Bachelor Pad 2. It will feature Vienna Girardi. Plus 10.
Michelle Money was the unquestioned highlight of the night, using all her camera time to bash the other women, then crying when they turned it around. Wash.
Dramatically trying to catch your breath, Michelle? Acting much? Minus 4.

Jackie gets in this zinger: “Watching it now, I’m kind of equating you to a spider. You’re creepy, and everybody is afraid of you.” A black widow spider! Plus 6.
Minus 14 for Stacey the bartender continuing to rant about Michelle after the woman started breaking down, even questioning her parenting in the process.
This didn’t go over well with Chris, who intervened angrily: “Like really? Just relax for a second.” Pimp’s gotta step up and reprimand his employees. Plus 5.
Plus 8 because in the end, Michelle did seem humbled, praising Emily and admitting her mistakes, and one girl gave her props for entertainment value.
Ashley Spivey was both adorable and pathetic. You want to marry her yourself and/or tell her to get a grip. You’re in tears over The Bachelor, girl. Wash.
Brad Womack Rehearsed Line #498: “I’m telling you I’m truly happier than I’ve ever been. It has nothing to do with me. It has everything to do with her.” Minus 5.
This is something the show needs to do more often. Deleted scenes. Many of them were funny, but Emily’s reactions to the elephants’ “fun” took the cake. Plus 6.
Not a fan of made over Bachelorette-to-be Ashley Hebert. She’s such a cute girl. The bangs, dyed hair, red lips and fake tan diminish her best attributes. Minus 9.
Who needs The Bachelor spoilers when the montage previewing next week’s finale includes a quote from Brad saying “I know I want Emily to be my wife.” Plus 7.
There needs to be an additional role for Emily Maynard and Chantal O’Brien in this episode. Taped segments, deleted scenes … something. There’s a void. Minus 3.
Who do you want to win, Chantal or Emily?