Compared to Tiger Woods, NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal’s womanizing ways have almost been lost in the shuffle. Maybe he needs to send racier texts.
Or have raunchy foursomes with Jesse James.
Anyway, some of the text messages Shaq sent to his mistress, Vanessa Lopez, have been revealed, supposedly after his wife Shaunie hired a private investigator.
After finding the correspondence, she decided to to file for divorce!
The texts don’t exactly rank with the Tiger Woods text messages to Joslyn James in terms of flat-out ridiculous sexual content, but do suggest an affair.
An exchange dated September 4 went like this:
Vanessa Lopez: “I have always been good to you. I am a very private person. I never spoke about us to anyone. Ever! Don’t deserve that from you.”
“I am not wining. I just miss you so settle down.”
Shaq: “Well just say that then I’m a c u tomorrow.”
Then, another exchange of texts two days later:
Vanessa Lopez: “I hope you had a wonderful day! I wish you were here papi ;)”
Shaq: “Tomorro”
Vanessa Lopez: “I will make sure I put on something very sexy for you ;)”
Shaq: “Hey baby I’m still wit da babies. I’m sorry I’m a c u when I get bak”
Vanessa Lopez: “I think you are such an amazing person inside and out. I truly wish you all the best in life. No one deserves it more than you.”
Shaq: “Thanks baby I will make it up to u”
Attorney Gloria Allred was hired to represent Vanessa Lopez in her harassment lawsuit against O’Neal. She claimes her affair with the NBA star lasted five years and ended badly when she thought she was pregnant with his baby.
Lopez says that’s when Shaq began harassing her, going so far as to have a friend fly to Orlando, Fla., to track her down and, well, shut dat bitch up.
O’Neal has also been linked to Swedish model Dominica Westling. A source familiar with the situation said the couple started their affair nearly two years ago and not only exchanges steamy emails but also have cybersex using a webcam.
Lastly, he’s accused of sleeping with Laura Govan, Gilbert Arenas’ fiancee.
Nice, Shaq. Going for Tiger’s record, are you?