Michael Jackson’s father, Joe, is “horrified” at the prospect of Dr. Conrad Murray’s legal team arguing that Michael Jackson killed himself with a lethal dose of Propofol.
The defense believes MJ woke up shortly before noon on the day he died, when Dr. Conrad Murray stepped out of the room, and decided to up his dosage. Big time.
Murray’s lawyers are ready to argue that Michael’s addictive personality makes it more than feasible that he injected far too much Propofol and stopped his heart.

But Joe Jackson ain’t buying it.
“I don’t believe it. It’s not true,” he said, asserting that Murray covered up evidence. “Why would he [Dr. Murray] hide all the bottles if such a story were true. The Coroner’s report shows the story is not true. It really upsets me to hear this.”
Joe Jackson never met a Michael Jackson CD lawsuit he didn’t like.
While Murray’s story definitely seems a bit out there, one can never really trust the motives of Michael’s father, either. Sure, he’s probably upset Michael died.
But any chance to make money, he pounces on!
Joe has also fired a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray, claiming he needs a big payday his actions were “reckless” and “amount to second degree murder.”
Joe Jackson’s lawyer, Brian Oxman, won’t go that far, but adds, “His [Dr. Murray’s] story is medically inconsistent with the autopsy findings … I would need to see the photographs of the scene in order to assess his story.”
He’s been saying for some time that the involuntary manslaughter charge against Murray is not enough. Looks like Joe’s now taking things into his own hands.