In case you haven’t heard, New Moon arrives in theaters on November 20.
Are you a fan of the Twilight series? Are you even remotely skilled at computer graphics? If so, we have two words for you: prove it!
While some followers of this vampire franchise express their love for it with shrieks and tears, we’re simply asking you to submit your very own New Moon poster. We’ve seen the official one (below) – and we think our readers can do better!
Across the Internet, fans have created versions of a poster for New Moon. Some feature Robert Pattinson, others focus on Kristen Stewart, a few depict both stars in an embrace. Can you do better?
Next week, we’ll choose a winner and publish his/or entry. It’s free, it’s easy and it’s your chance to show your love for Edward Cullen and company.
Check out examples of user-created posters below. Click on each for a larger version… and good luck to all readers!