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MTV sucks.

Sorry, but it’s true. First, with no notice, they decide to air a new episode of The Hills as a special, Sunday-night lead-in for the VMAs. Hella weak.

Even worse, though? Plugging the VMAs with a gigantic banner that took up half the screen. And since half The Hills takes place in clubs – necessitating subtitles for the conversations – that banner made them unreadable. Nice work, assclowns.

Lastly, the network spent the entire week promoting an exciting fight that landed Brody Jenner in jail, with Doug Reinhardt in tow. This, of course, was only discussed in the last 12 seconds. Wait ’til next episode again, we suppose!

Eat ass, MTV.

Anyway, from what we could discern, Lauren Conrad and Co. headed to the City of Sin for Frankie Delgado’s birthday. For whatever reason, that turned into one huge drama-fest as Brody rode Stephanie Pratt hard the entire time.

We don’t mean that in a sexual way. Heavens no. He was just bashing her over and over again for being shady. Brody Jenner either has a huge grudge for some reason, or was prompted by the producers to harp on this. Or both.

At dinner, Stephane Pratt finally confronted Brody Jenner to try to figure out why he told Lauren Conrad not to be friends with her.

He blurted out that she was crazy and even brought up her past problems with drugs and shoplifting. If you missed that mug shot, peep it.

Caught off guard, Stephanie left the table to cry it out. Lauren followed and comforted her – the drama continued at that point, though.

Audrina Patridge showed up with Justin-Bobby (we love how he reappears from time to time with no notice) but refused to say hi to anyone except Frankie. Lauren and Audrina spent the entire night eyeing each other awkwardly.

LC said she was trying to avoid a conversation that could affect her friendship with Audrina as tension lingered thickly in the nightclub air.

Elsewhere, Spencer Pratt was over the top (even by his lofty standards) as Heidi’s older sister, Holly Montag, is in the process of moving out to Los Angeles and crashing with them until she found a place of her own.

Spencer actually drove to Heidi’s office to complain that Holly was laying around in her pajamas and deleted three of his shows on TiVo. Hilarious.

Even more hilarious was Heidi’s response: maybe Spencer Pratt needs to get out of the house more often instead of getting pissed about Tivo.

A fair point.

Finally, back in Vegas, Frankie Delgado informs the pretty girls that Doug Reinhardt and Brody Jenner were in a fight and have landed in jail.