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The following interview is a few months old, but we just came across it and had to pass it along to all the devoted followers of The Hills out there.

Hey, when the New York Times‘ style section interviews the lovely Whitney Port, we feel we have little choice but to report it to her fans.

Whitney, who we recently found out is preparing the launch of her clothing line within the company owned by her father, Jeff Port, is a fun interview.

Here’s what the wonderful star of The Hills had to say …

NYTimes: Where do you shop in LA?

Whitney Port: I do a lot of vintage shopping. There’s a dress shop called Shareen’s Vintage — I get a lot of stuff there. And American Rag and a place called Bleu.

NYTimes: Do you buy designer stuff?

Whitney Port: It gets really expensive. I live near places like Vionnet and Curve. I’ll get a couple of pieces from there and I’ll have them forever.

NYTimes: Rumor has it you’re getting phased out of The Hills. Say it’s not true!

Whitney Port: That’s all just rumor. I’m still going to be continuing filming.

NYTimes: How do you feel about the Heidi-Spencer-Lauren ugliness?

Whitney Port: It’s none of my business. I’ll be there to lend an ear to Lauren. Other than that, there’s no place for me in that situation.

NYTimes: Is any of that feud actually real?

Whitney Port: It’s real; it’s very sad. Really. Sad. It’s sad — they were best friends.

[NOTE: Whitney Port and Lauren Conrad have since left Teen Vogue, but this interview took place in late December of last year]

NYTimes: What’s your job at Teen Vogue?

Whitney Port: I’m a fashion consultant. It’s kind of a freelance thing — I’ll do anything from styling at photo shoots or working behind the scenes… Being the communicator between the West Coast and the East Coast.

NYTimes: What’s next for you at Teen Vogue?

Whitney Port: I think Amy [Astley, Teen Vogue Editor-in-Chief] thinks [Lauren and I] are maybe getting too old for the magazine. It’s a teen magazine. I’m 22.

NYTimes: Want to come work here? You’re hired.

Whitney Port: Sure, I’d love to.

NYTimes: What’s next professionally?

Whitney Port: I don’t know if I want to stay working in magazines. It’s a really hard business. I learned that I really enjoy styling. I’m not sure if I’ll continue doing it for magazines or if I’ll do it on my own. Or celebrity styling?

NYTimes: Are you on Facebook?

Whitney Port: No. I was in college but I took myself off.

NYTimes: How famous are you right now? Scale of one to 10?

Whitney Port: Three. I don’t get super attention anywhere. One or two paparazzi — but I wouldn’t consider that a lot. When you’re in LA you’re one among so many celebrities. So I’m like nothing.

NYTimes: What’s the scoop on you dating Ben Lyons?

Whitney Port: There is really no scoop. He was a nice guy for a little while but I’m not really seeing anyone.

NYTimes: Do you watch Gossip Girl?

Whitney Port: I watched it and I thought it was so cheesy. My sister loves it… I’ve also heard that they’re a little corny, the outfits.

NYTimes: Whitney, you need to reconsider Gossip Girl. Seriously. What TV shows do you watch?

Whitney Port: I’ll watch The Hills episode once or twice a couple of days before it comes out… I watch Project Runway, I watch Top Chef.