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Kim Kardashian nude? Yawn.

Who hasn’t seen that image at this point?

Fortunately for men everywhere, however, the next issue of Allure magazine features a pictorial called “Look Better Naked” that showcases some lesser known – albeit extremely attractive – actresses and singers.

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Let’s start with Vanessa Williams. The current supporting player on Ugly Betty, Williams was actually Tara Conner before there was a Tara Conner: she had her Miss USA crown taken away after naked photos were discovered. But she’s back in the nude game now!

Also taking off her clothes in the publication is former West Wing co-star and Broadway actress, Kristin Chenoweth. She’s giving a whole new meaning to the term “wicked” here.

Finally, Carla Gugino nude is a sight Vince Chase is probably yearning to see. The rough and tough beauty has taken over for Jeremy Piven’s character, Ari, as the agent on Entourage in the early parts of this season.

So there you have it. A few lovely ladies are showing the world that Tricia Helfer nude photos don’t have a monopoly on male attention spans.