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Ray J.

Kim Kardashian.

Some things are just meant to be together.

The Hollywood Gossip Logo

With this philosophy in mind, ESPN and ABC decided to collaborate with the Sports Gal for weekly recaps of The Bachelor, the new season of which debuts Monday.

Her recaps will run Tuesdays after the show.

Suffice it to say, the Sports Gal‘s worse half, the Sports Guy (a.k.a. Bill Simmons) is pretty psyched up about her efforts, which will run alongside his ESPN columns.

He writes:

She’s aiming for four paragraphs per recap. So alert your girlfriends, wives, mistresses and platonic female friends that you’re secretly trying to sleep with – on April 2, the Sports Gal returns. In the words of Pete Carroll, I’m as shocked as you guys.”

Well put. Like the Sports Gal, T.H. Gossip will be tracking the progress of Andy Baldwin as he attempts to follow in the footsteps of Lorenzo Borghese.

And after what he pulled with Sadie Murray, those are some big footsteps.