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Apparently, Britney Spears’ hotly-debated New Year’s Eve nap and subsequent exit might’ve cost her a staggering $400,000.

According to the New York Daily News, the pop princess, who just reached a temporary custody agreement with FedEx, won’t be getting her six-figure appearance fee promised her from Pure nightclub in Las Vegas because instead of carrying out her obligation to the club, she had to be carried out by staff.

What’s more, Britney’s official story – that she was tired and simply fell asleep – is making the club “furious” because it suggests that the joint is a snoozefest. Of course, we all know that’s total bull$h!t and she really passed out drunk, so maybe the party was totally awesome!

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In any case, TMZ refutes the Daily News‘ claim, with sources stating that Britney, who issued a statement saying she is cleaning up her act, won’t be docked for her behavior at da club. Sources also say the fee was actually less than $200K, and that the club is thrilled with her – after all, any publicity is good publicity, right?

In other news involving Mrs. Kevin Federline, a post on the Miami Craigslist board has been flagged and removed after falsely advertising a new Britney Spears reality show. The bogus show was to focus on rebuilding Brit’s tarnished image. Here’s what the post read before it was taken down:


In cooperation with Zomba Films and MTV films, LCAA prodcutions is working on a new reality contest for a major network.

Britney Spears is getting ready for a big comeback.

“The last couple of years have been quite a ride for me, the media has criticized my every move and printed a skewed perception of who I really am as a human being,” the 25-year-old pop star says.

Her goal?

“I want to show my fans and critics that I’m coming back this year bigger and better than ever.”

Britney Spears has agreed to open up her life again to the TV cameras. But this time, it won’t be her in the spotlight. Instead, it is you! Britney is looking to surround herself with a new team. Each week, a new contestant will walk and work by her side 24 hours a day, for 5 straight days. Your job will be to give her guidance, perception and help her with comeback. For this 16 week audition/interview, we are looking for 8 males and 8 females to compete for a position on Britney’s new team.

“I’m thrilled about this new chapter in my life and even more excited to involve my fans in my comeback,” Britney said.

Please send a brief summary as to how you can help improve Britney Spears’ image and why you are the right candidate.