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Perhaps Bobby Brown didn’t read the fine print in his marriage vows with Whitney Houston:

I will aaaaaaaalways love you … unless you cheat on me with some video skank.

We bring this up because reports have suggested that Karrine Steffans, the self-proclaimed “Video Vixen,” may have stuck the final nail in the Brown/Houstin coffin. Perhaps in fear of Osama Bin Laden, Brown often stays at Steffans’ L.A. home and Karrine actually ponies up for Bobby’s pre-paid cell phone.

Alicia Etheredge with Bobby Brown
(Allen Berezovsky)

Steffans has written a best-selling book about her music video experiences, “Confessions of a Video Vixen.”

We hear that the body of Nicole Richie is gonna write a similarly titled memoir, “Confessions of a Skeleton.”

Anyway. Steffans recently told the New York Daily News‘ Lloyd Grove that her relationship with Brown was “a really tricky situation” and called him her “dearest friend,” but wouldn’t admit to having a physical relationship. But that’s her perogative. Get it?!?

Brown has referred to Steffans in the past as his “tenderoni.” We’re guessing that’s a mix of “tender” (meaning: gentle and sweet) and”oni” (meaning: slutty and loose, see: Hilton, Paris).

Ironically, Steffans said last month that she didn’t want to “wreck any marriages” and that she was “a big fan” of Whitney’s. Apparently she’s an even bigger fan of Whitney’s husband.

Looks like Houston and Shanna Moakler have something to bond over now.