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So much for a mysery man for Jessica Simpson.

According to People magazine, the singer and really bad occasional actress has found her first post-Nick Lachey boy toy: John Mayer.

“She’s tiptoeing back into the dating world,” a source told the magazine. “It’s the first stage. She’s never been happier.”

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Just once, wouldn’t you love to hear that a celebrity is dating again – but they actually have been happier in the past? No? Maybe that’s just The Gossip.

Mayer, 28, began a co-headlining tour with Sheryl Crow on Aug. 24. Simpson is expected to attend his concert in Jones Beach, N.Y., on Wednesday night. That’s like a school night sleepover! This is getting serious.

Depite a bruised vocal chord, Jessica is currently in New York promoting her new album, “A Public Affair.” It was released Tuesday.

Oddly enough – or perhaps, completely logically enough – Mayer had to cancel his Hartford, CT., appearance with Crow on Saturday due to laryngitis. Could that be due to these lovebirds playing some intense rounds of tonsil hockey?

It could be worse, guys. You could’ve gotten an STD from Paris Hilton.