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The world first heard from Lordakeet in early 2020.

Those early months of the COVID-19 pandemic were when audiences first saw Big Ed Brown.

His odd behavior, unique look, and embarrassing situation turned him into a widespread meme.

To TikTok user Lordakeet, each meme and screenshot was a grim reminder.

She publicly accused him of sexual misconduct in vague terms.

Now, a year and a half later, she is sharing further details.

For some unthinkable reason, Big Ed is still part of the franchise.

90 Day Fiance seems content to ignore who someone is until viewers make a fuss … and even then, only firing them if they’re not immensely profitable.

But Ed has lost a lot of fans since showing exactly what sort of man he is.

Many of his former fans believe Lordakeet and wonder what other women are bound by NDAs and afraid to speak out.