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As Leah McSweeney keeps dealing with the fallout from Ramona Singer’s wild party, another feud has been boiling over.

Dorinda Medley thinks that Tinsley Mortimer is scared s–tless of her. Is she right?

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On this week’s The Real Housewives of New York City, Dorinda Medley and Tinsley Mortimer decided to talk things out.

They both know that they have their differences but they want to handle it with franchise-defying maturity.

Unfortunately, they hit a roadblock before the talk could even begin.

Dorinda wanted to have Leah McSweeney as a sort of mediator there, but Tinsley did not see the need.

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Leah (who is such a good addition to the cast, you guys) told Dorinda that she didn’t see it that way.

As you can see in the clip that we have included, she explained to Dorinda — who had been drinking — that the lattter can be "intimidating."

Dorinda initially protested and then, on impulse, shared Leah’s words with Tinsley … and some creative additions of her own.

She told Tinsley: "Leah said you’re intimidated by me."

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Suddenly, instead of mediating a frank discussion of their differences, Leah was a witness — and unintentional instigator.

At Luan de Lesseps’ comedy show (my goodness, that woman loves to be on stage), alcohol and feuding created a perfect storm.

Dorinda and Tinsley devolved into a screaming match over layers of nothing more than an alcohol-fueled misunderstanding.

It’s hard to say if this is really any one person’s fault. It was almost inevitable.

Leah McSweeney Speaks

These two have been having issues all season.

Dorinda previously speculated that Tinsley has not been entirely truthful with the group.

Of particular interest to Dorinda was Tinsley’s claims about her dating life.

Right now, it seems like they’re just clashing at every opportunity, and using any excuse to go off on each other.

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The funniest part of that incident, by far, was when Ramona Singer popped over to ask if she was intimidating.

She received a firm but amused "no."

Speaking of Ramona and of interpersonal conflicts, Leah explained to her that she’s still having issues with her mother.

Ramona suggested that the best way to make up would be a bouquet of her mom’s favorite flowers accompanied by an in-person apology.

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But we don’t mean to dance around Luann’s comedy show.

There, she had teamed up with her ex, Jacques.

This turned deeply awkward when it came to Luann telling a joke about sleeping (or not sleeping) with a pirate years earlier.

Luann insisted that she "never f–ked the pirate" while dating Jacques, but that’s not what Sonja Morgan heard from the pirate himself.

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Speaking of easily avoidable mistakes, Luann took one sip of Ramona’s vodka and decided that she can totally start drinking again.

Dorinda actually thought that this was a good idea, that it would relieve the pressure that Luann is experiencing over not drinking.

There are, for the record, lines of thought that say that 12-step forever-quitting programs do more harm than good and don’t work for everyone.

While some people who have struggled with alcoholism can later drink in moderation, not everyone felt that Luann was one of those people.

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Elyse Slaine, the friend of the group who continues to have one of the best names that we have ever seen, begged to disagree.

She viewed Luann’s situation as black and white. Either she’s in AA or she’s not.

And, if Luann is in AA, then no, she cannot drink, not at all.

Dorinda basically told Elyse to stuff it.

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Then, poor Sonja Morgan got news that her fashion line isn’t doing as well as she would have hoped.

(She has reportedly been losing money on that for years, unfortunately)

She’s trying to stay positive and hoping that it will pick up in time. And hey, it could happen.

But her fashion show didn’t bring in the new sales that she had hoped to see. Poor Sonja.