Jibri Bell Announces Which Couples Are Doomed on the 90 Day Fiance Season 9 Tell All Part 2 (Recap) By Author Simon Delott Published: Aug 22, 2022 at 1:42 PM • Updated: Aug 22, 2022 at 2:49 PM • Category Ariela Weinberg Reading Time: 10 minutes After the 90 Day Fiance Season 9 Tell All Part 1, we knew that Part 2 would have even more in store.Jibri was fighting with everyone last time. He did not back down on Part 2, either.Jibri offered his forecast on which couples will make it and which ones will break.Speaking of doomed couples, Yve and Mohamed addressed the conflict with her squad.Ari and Bini revealed a new conflict.And yes, Emily addressed the breastfeeding. Some viewers may be surprised at what castmates had to say. Part 2 picks up where Part 1 ended1Remember John’s conflict with “Spah-kles?” This naturally leads to a discussion of how John is with his brother Patrick and sister-in-law Thais. Patrick agrees that John is generally the instigator of conflict with Thais. What does John say to that?2(TLC)He does acknowledge that he is combative. Clearly, Patrick and Thais have different boundaries with their respective families. John says that he “tries to be nice and cordial.” But he’s not really extending that to Jibri. Tim and Kenny comment3As we have noted, John has a lot of “uncle energy,” and Kenneth Niedermeier cannot help but observe that he seems like an interesting person to know. Jibri doesn’t want to film with John anymore4When it’s time for everyone to go back up to the Tell All stage, Jibri pushes back at the idea of going back up with John. We can understand avoiding someone whom you personally dislike, but when you only have to be around them for one day? You need a better reason than Jibri has. What a line5This conflict erupted for no reason between two larger-than-life personalities. Honestly? Sometimes, that’s what reality TV is all about. Weirdest pep talk ever6Season villain Bilal reassures Tell All villain Jibri, reminding him to focus on why he and Miona are doing this. The subtext is that he’s reminding him to not let production talk him into making a fool of himself. Shaun asks Thais how she feels about the conflict7It sounds like she appreciates that someone is calling out John, because Patrick is a little too passive. He admits that it’s hard for him to give his older brother a hard time. As castmates note, he needs to consider his wife’s feelings, too. Moving on to Emily and Kobe8Emily tears up as the show plays home video of baby Scarlet, including her birth. Naturally, the footage includes Emily breastfeeding Scarlet. Production knew from the start that a certain segment of viewers would detest Emily and have negative reactions to her nursing, so it’s no surprise that they included this. It’s a sweet moment. Sad that so much of our culture cannot be normal about breasts. Or women, for that matter. Speaking of not being normal about things9Emily shares that she sent her placenta to a company to dehydrate and send back to her in pill form, apparently to return hormones to her body. She credits this for her easy post-birth after having Scarlet. Kara says that she plans to do the same. Thais’ reaction is everything10Placentavore or whatever the official name of this practice is … well, it’s not harmful. But Thais’ face had us cracking up. Emily and Kobe have hit a dry spell11It’s been over a month since they had sex. They’ve only had sex a handful of times since Scarlet was born, in fact. Apparently, Kobe wants to be careful to avoid Baby #3 since apparently Emily still isn’t “allowed” to take birth control (because of the medical misinformation that he has chosen to believe). Meanwhile, Emily notes that their limited sex life now explains why she wanted that first night with Kobe to be just the two of them. If Kobe wants tips on not impregnating someone …12Shaeeda jokes that he could get tips from Bilal, who is an expert at it. She’s throwing shade, and everyone knows it. Has anyone else’s sex life taken a nosedive?13Actually, Kara and Guillermo’s has improved since she became pregnant. Thais and Patrick’s has, too. Of course, pregnancy isn’t the same as childbirth, let alone having an actual baby or small child to take care of. Bilal and Shaeeda have been “practicing”14Shaeeda jokes that Bilal likes to “practice,” but she’d love to see some results. Once again, she is masking some real frustrations with humor. Bilal shares that he wants to wait another couple of years before having a kid with her. Time for Tatiana15A member of Yve’s squad (and the most gorgeous one, we might add) arrives. Mohamed immediately confronts her, demanding to know if the squad’s conversations are normal “in any culture.” Well … yes, just usually not with people you’ve just met. Meanwhile, Tatiana notes that the whole situation is “unorthodox, so you are going to have unusual conversations.” Translation: filming reality TV on a K-1 visa means that people will be blunt with you on purpose. Mohamed is clearly still mad16For one thing, he doesn’t understand how a frank discussion of sex could help anyone to understand his and Yve’s relationship better. (It’s pretty normal for friends to tell each other how sex plays a role in their relationships … at least, for many Americans) Yve then shares how little she knew about Mohamed’s hangups and inexperience going in, right down to not knowing that he hadn’t had sex before until after they had slept together. “Is it genuine love, though?”17Instead of directly answering Jibri’s question, Tatiana asks a question of the cast: have any of them had the experience of their partner suggesting that they’ll find a new sponsor? No — only Yve. Meanwhile, Jibri thinks that Yve and Mohamed have “genuine love.” Keep in mind that this filmed in June, more than a month before Mohamed’s cheating texts leaked. But also … we all saw the season. Mohamed is eager to fight 18Even the suggestion that his ego is bruised following his move to America has Yve whispering — yet still being recorded — asking him to mellow out. Meanwhile, Yvette would like to be able to hang out with her friends and husband together. Backstage, Mohamed insisted that the squad disrespected him but that he did not do the same to them. Tatiana reminded him that he called her “stupid.” They both promise to make an effort, though Mohamed’s promise rings hollow. Biniyam apparently loves Las Vegas19Ariela does not enjoy the noise and chaos, but Bini — who had a habit of vanishing for stretches of time in Ethiopia to party — loves that city. This segues into a discussion of who “will last” according to Jibri, who predicts that they will not last. He thinks that Mohamed and Yve will, but Ari and Bini and Bilal and Shaeeda are doomed. There are still commitment issues20Ariela and Biniyam have different ideas about what a marital commitment means. At times, she feels suffocated. She thinks that the three months that she and little Avi spent in Ethiopia were good for the marriage, because these breaks help them appreciate each other. Is that healthy for a marriage? Ari admits that she had to block Bini for a while for her own mental health, but also that Bini probably didn’t notice. The ex-husband cometh21A lot of fans are very weird about Ariela’s friendship with Leandro, which honestly is one of the most normal things about her. Sometimes people are friends with their exes. She and Leandro were married for a full decade, he’s basically a bonus son to her parents, he’s besties with Ari’s brother. Biniyam doesn’t like him, and resents his presence and advice. Jibri and Miona are living in Palm Springs22They intend to be “creative nomads” and do a lot of traveling. Jibri’s parents declined to be part of the Tell All, just as they could not make it to the wedding. Apparently it has been six months since Jibri saw them — because it’s been that long since he left South Dakota. David, or Daveed, or Dacho arrives23Jibri’s longtime friend (who once put him in a coma) arrives, and speaks frankly about how he felt hurt and pushed away after Jibri and Miona got together. Jibri didn’t tell him that he got engaged. He didn’t invite him to the wedding. Daveed found out about the wedding from Instagram. An angry Jibri walks off the stage 24It’s clear that he and his bro have a lot of hurt feelings that have been festering for monthsl. Backstage, Jibri wishes that Daveed were happy for him. After taking a few moments to cool off, he returns to the stage and accuses Daveed of envying his happiness. Miona doesn’t blame herself25She thinks that the band broke itself up; she can’t take credit for that. Finally, resolution26Daveed apologizes to Jibri and the two hug it out and shake it out on stage. Progress. Lisa and David join the Tell All27Emily’s parents tune in remotely, joke about Emily and Kobe paying rent (they are buying groceries and cooking and things like that) but note that they have a timeframe for moving out. Things seem good. Shaun asks how their sex life is with two grandchildren in the house. David jokes: “Our house is soundproof.” Then, the Tell All plays one of Kobe’s worst yet funniest moments28When Kobe shamed Emily for pumping milk in the living room and then objected to “sharing” her breasts with Koban, who was still nursing, many viewers changed how they perceived him. “He didn’t need that to survive”29In Kobe’s mind, even though basically every pediatric and medical institution in the world recommends breastfeeding until age 2 if the child is still willing, Koban’s physical ability to eat solid food should have meant being weaned. Mohamed, and we truly hate to say this, made a great point — Kobe doesn’t need Emily’s breasts to survive, either. Lisa speaks to the camera, noting that this country really needs to normalize breastfeeding. She’s right. And the majority of the cast applauds her. The couples weigh in, with more or less everyone Team Emily on breastfeeding30Then David speaks, but declines to share what he handed Kobe — at Kobe’s request. Their respective wives both know what it was, and that’s enough. It’s clearly meaningful for them all. Backstage …31Emily meets with Tim and Kenneth. Kenneth reminds her that, as she adjusts to having two little kids, she can remember that Kenneth had “four under four” himself. He had a 4-year-old and then triplets. Meanwhile, Emily admits that Jibri’s weird attacks on people seem to not make any sense. But she is bonding with Kara and Thais. Back on stage32Ari addresses fan criticism from people who think that she doesn’t work, and also that not working is immoral. She clarifies that she did find work, and also has a child for whom to care. She insists that she understands that outside perspective, even if she feels like critics aren’t seeing the full picture of her life. The Tell All plays footage of Bini and his sisters33Kara points out that he was totally passive after the wine-throwing incident, he then laughs along with his sisters when they make fun of Ariela during the video chat, and he also spoke pretty bluntly about wanting a green card with or without Ariela. Why is this how he treats his wife? Bini says that he’s afraid of making tense situations worse. Bini needs to create boundaries with his sisters34It’s not just the bad acts that his sisters perpetrate. It’s Biniyam giving them what amounts to permission to continue. He laughs along with them when they speak ill of his wife. Biniyam makes excuses, saying that his family is “overprotecting” him, and emphasizes his desire to not contribute to the conflict. Mohamed starts defending the sisters, but Guillermo and Shaeeda shut him down. What about Bini’s Green Card comment?35He has a realistic understanding of his and Ari’s issues, at least up to a point. He notes that without baby Avi, they might not be together at all, which obviously hurts Ari’s feelings even though it’s true. Ariela admits that they are opposites in many ways. That’s the Tell All!36Multiple people feel overwhelmed after Jibri’s hostile behavior. Meanwhile, he and Miona feel more secure in their relationship after seeing how messy some of the others are. Finally, the Tell All included an update about Mohamed’s cheating scandal — clearly filmed in late July or early August. While Yve’s hair looked great and Mohamed was tearful, fans still have a lot of unanswered questions.