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Couples grappled with fallout on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7, Episode 8.

Big Ed continues his toxic spiral, leveling “accusations” that Liz has an ex-girlfriend and refusing to be normal about it.

Speaking of the worst that this franchise has to offer, Angela follows up her car-damaging tirade by meeting Michael for dinner. No, it does not go well.

Shaeeda gets some bad news from the gynecologist. It’s also bad news for Bilal, albeit in a different way.

When Andrei’s green card renewal interview does not go well, he furiously cusses out Elizabeth. But his real beef is with whoever is sabotaging him.

The honeymoon is over for Jenny and Sumit. Literally, but also figuratively, as an old problem resurfaces in a big way.

Jovi has to head off to work, but he’s still nervous about Yara traveling so (relatively) close to a warzone.

Usman prepares Kimberly to meet his mom, even letting her buy her a gift. But he hasn’t told her about his mom’s attitude.