Couples grappled with fallout on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 7, Episode 8.
Big Ed continues his toxic spiral, leveling “accusations” that Liz has an ex-girlfriend and refusing to be normal about it.
Speaking of the worst that this franchise has to offer, Angela follows up her car-damaging tirade by meeting Michael for dinner. No, it does not go well.
Shaeeda gets some bad news from the gynecologist. It’s also bad news for Bilal, albeit in a different way.
When Andrei’s green card renewal interview does not go well, he furiously cusses out Elizabeth. But his real beef is with whoever is sabotaging him.
The honeymoon is over for Jenny and Sumit. Literally, but also figuratively, as an old problem resurfaces in a big way.
Jovi has to head off to work, but he’s still nervous about Yara traveling so (relatively) close to a warzone.
Usman prepares Kimberly to meet his mom, even letting her buy her a gift. But he hasn’t told her about his mom’s attitude.
Ed Brown and Liz Woods

As the episode begins, we see Big Ed continuing to berate his fiancee over the phone. Remember, he ruined their engagement party by interrogating her about whether a woman whom she had kicked out of the party was her secret ex-girlfriend. She wasn’t, Liz isn’t into women, it’s none of Ed’s business, and if Liz were bisexual, outing her would be a vile thing to do. But then, Ed outed a woman as bi on a previous season. In his mind, though, Liz is acting immaturely and she’s the one who ruined the night.
Ed also claims to worry about her safety

We know that it’s something of a faux pas to discuss the reality of being on a reality TV show sometimes, but … Ed knows that production is following Liz. They even give her a ride. Which really makes Ed’s “concern” sound like frustration that she is away from him and thus out of his control. Remember, this is a guy who checks up on her constantly and set a curfew for her.
Liz is not having a good night

She feels heartbroken. It’s not that the type of man that Ed is is somehow new information for her. It’s that it’s harder to ignore the way that he treats her. Also, by the way, she tossed the ring into the grass somewhere.
Liz returns home

Unfortunately, Ed is waiting there to confront her. Oh, he also wants her to move out and live with her grandparents again. Notably, Ed has a habit of demanding that Liz leave the house when they have a fight, only to later want her back. He claimed that he had changed, but his behavior in these episodes has made it clear that his “journey” through therapy was all talk.
Oh, and Ed has simply decided that Liz went on wild bi escapades

Wild bisexual escapades are all fine and well, but Liz didn’t actually do any of the things that Ed has imagined. One sort of wishes that she had, just because she deserves happiness. She’s certainly not getting that from this toxic troll.
Ed says that he can’t trust her

Meanwhile, Liz notes that Ed spent all of his time during breakups taking different women out. This may fuel his suspicion … on top of his insecurities.
“Are you a lesbian?”

It still feels weird to refer to these as accusations, because given the tone of Ed’s interrogation, it’s hard to characterize his theory about Liz’s sexuality as being anything else. And the way that Ed says it, it’s like he’s already made up his mind that Liz has one or more ex-girlfriends and is just inexplicably hiding this from him.
But their relationship has real problems, outside of his imagination

Liz clarifies that she’s straight. She also mentions that Ed has barely been coming to bed anymore and has not been showing her much affection. That sucks for a relationship.
Also, Ed “doesn’t let” Liz hang out with her friends

“They’re all trashy,” he says, while defending his apparent command that Liz not see most of her friends. This is alarming, controlling behavior. Anyone can have one or two people whom they detest — sometimes people do have toxic friends and are better off without them. But all of Liz’s friends? The toxic person is you, Ed.
Ed also says that Liz is mean

They clearly take turns insulting each other, and it sounds like they have both body-shamed each other.
When Liz continues to stand up for herself, Ed switches tactics

“Stop it, stop it; you’re drunk,” he says condescendingly. Perhaps she is … but she’s not exactly wrong. Anyway, Ed says that they need time apart, but he demands “every single question answered” from her. Liz cannot answer his question enough times, it seems.
Unfortunately, they talk again

Ed’s insecurities arise again. He says that Liz has interfered with his friendship with a woman, Grace, because she is “jealous.” He then says that he will not apologize over how most of his friends are women. Liz notes that most of her friends are men, but Ed counters that most of her friends are “gay women” … which is a topic on which Ed continues to perseverate. “I think you are bisexual,” he tells her.
“Where’s your ring?”

Ed is angry and dismayed when he learns that Liz threw her ring in anger that night. He says that it was a $13,000 ring. To be honest, it sounds like he is more invested in the location of the ring than he is in salvaging this relationship. He also repeatedly calls Liz “dumb.”
Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi

According to her, she got the “fight” out of her system by tearing up Michael’s car and trying to fight him in an alley the night before. Now, Angela just sounds tired.
She goes to relieve some stress

Angela and Rene briefly work out together, with Angela expressing delight that her exercise machine apparently has a holder for her box of cigarettes. Meanwhile, she talks with her friend about her feelings.
Rene is enabling her

Even as she sounds like she’s cheering on Angela, Rene admits to the camera that she does not fully endorse her friend’s violent tantrum. But she says that she understands how she feels. She might be the only one.
Rene doesn’t want Angela to give up yet

She knows her well enough to know that if she flies home to Georgia here and now, she’ll regret it. Angela will wonder what she might have said or done if she had stayed. So Rene talks Angela into giving it another go.
“When is it okay for me to give up?”

Angela still feels that she is the victim of a cruel husband — because Michael made a public Instagram account over her objections. So if she stays to hash things out with Michael, she’s not going to let go of this topic.
Angela heads to dinner

She chose her outfit to give Michael a taste of what he is apparently missing. But her voiceover warns that she expects that he will set off her temper at any time. In other words, she is blaming him for her outbursts, which is very typical of abusers.
Meanwhile, Michael is still in shock

His wife arrived in his country, on his continent, without warning and began screaming outside of his home. The experience was humiliating. Then, she tore into his car. Even though the damage could have been worse, the malice was obvious.
Angela has a funny idea about “talking”

The sit down at the restaurant, and Angela — cigarette in hand, of course — begins to berate him in the nastiest tone.
Michael can hardly get a word in edgewise

He knows his wife all too well. She doesn’t want to listen to him. Angela wants obedience, not explanations.
He knows the monster he married

Angela’s outbursts are not merely the irrational, almost feral expressions of rage that they appear to be. Her goal is to keep him so cowed and fearful that he walks on eggshells and tries desperately to please her at all times.
Angela issues her demand

She wants to see his phone. Remember, Angela has become fixated upon the idea that Michael could only have this Instagram account (against her wishes) in order to cheat on her. She is convinced that ambushing him like this will allow her to read his messages. Angela also believes that she has a right, as his wife, to introduce into his privacy.
Michael is worried about more than just privacy

Yes, that’s a worry. But Angela is volatile and violent. After watching her lay waste to his car, Michael is very reasonably worried that Angela plans to destroy his phone next. That is … extremely realistic.
It’s an ultimatum

Michael ends up putting his phone in her purse, temporarily, but keeping her from accessing it. The standoff is short-lived. Angela wants total access to everything.
“I’m done”

We have all heard this countless times, each time hoping that it’s true. Angela expresses her hurt feelings and walks off into the night.
Bilal Hazziez and Shaeeda Sween

The two go to the gynecologist. Previously, they learned that Shaeeda’s hormone levels are good. However, between her age and the frequency of her regular periods, there are concerns about her egg count. Today, they are going to learn the results.
Dr. Mirabiles shares the news

The vast majority of Shaeeda’s eggs are gone. Her ovarian reserve is about 2.5% and of course will continue to deplete every month. So he recommends that they try to conceive a child within the next six months if they want to have a natural pregnancy.
This is hard news for both of them

For Shaeeda, it’s hard news because she desperately wants to become a mother. For Bilal, it’s tough news because he is not eager to have a small child again, and this six-month countdown from a doctor is harder for him to manipulate, mansplain, malewife his way out of than Shaeeda’s wishes. He either has to get busy giving his wife a baby or, perhaps, get busy filing for divorce.
What is Dr. Mirabile’s stance?

The way that he sees it, he would never recommend to a couple that they have a child just to stay together. Obviously. That is never fair to the child, and it would suck for the couple, too. But, if they do want to have a kid together, the clock is ticking.
Shaeeda isn’t going to budge on this

She made it clear to Bilal a long time ago that she wanted to have a kid. He knew when she came to the US. She even included language about it in the prenup. So, Shaeeda explains, if Bilal doesn’t go with her on this, that would be a dealbreaker.
Elizabeth Potthast and Andrei Castravet

Ahead of Andrei’s green card renewal interview, the two were getting their stories straight. That is, if asked how frequently they have sex, they decided to answer twice a week. That is, they say, the average.
All kidding aside, it’s a big deal

Andrei is visibly nervous. One wrong answer or off-putting vibe, and he could lose his life in America with Libby. They’d have to start over elsewhere.
That bad, huh?

The mood is so sharply different as they drive away after the meeting. Obviously, cameras could not follow them for their actual meeting with immigration, but Andrei is pissed. It’s pretty dramatic. He’s mad at Libby for answering a question differently than he did (it was about when they met, so the answer is complicated). Mostly, he’s just mad.
Andrei is angry, and he’s making it Liz’s problem

Liz doesn’t really get a chance to express her own disappointment and fear, because Andrei is just being a huge jerk.
He berates her

If someone asks when you met someone, do you talk about when you met in person or when you first got to know them? For some couple, it’s all one date. For others, a chance meeting at a party happens years before they ran into each other and formed a relationship. Others “met” online. Libby’s nuance has Andrei pissed off, even though they both know that there was more going on with this interview than Libby’s complicated answer.
Someone is out to sabotage Andrei

They both suspect that it was someone in Libby’s family, but she isn’t ready to fully accept it. Libby hopes that her siblings love her too much to do this, because Andrei’s deportation would mean that she and Ellie go with him.
But Andrei points out how easy it would be

They don’t zero in on one suspect, but of all of Libby’s family, one of them has displayed impulsive and aggressive behavior more than all of the others.
Andrei has a plan

If he finds out who has been trying to cost him his legal residency, he vows to sue.
Jenny Slatten and Sumit Singh

The two are packing up their belongings and preparing to leave the hotel and their honeymoon behind. Real life awaits. But Sumit is also in a bit of pain.
Apparently, Kama Sutra yoga has its risks

Jenny and Sumit tried a chaste “cowgirl” pose, and Sumit says that Jenny sitting on his stomach hurt. Generally, cowgirl involves genital penetration, but practicing the pose together led to this mishap.
Sumit apparently felt sick

Maybe something is lost in translation, but apparently Sumit spent a fair amount of time on the toilet after (we are reminded of his mother boasting on a previous season about how she doesn’t see diarrhea as a big deal, that she gets it all of the time), and somehow the “medical” intervention involved someone praying for his recovery? Jenny responds to that very diplomatically.
Sumit jokes that the yoga instructor should consider these kinds of accidents

He suggests weighing people who attend the class. Sumit also swerves to avoid body-shaming Jenny, and seems to call himself tiny. Nice save.
But now that they’re heading home …

Sumit wants to try to reach out to his toxic family. The people who disowned him? Yeah. He worries that if he doesn’t reach out, they’ll think that he’s given up on them.

Why hasn’t Sumit given up on them?He is so fixated on the love and approval of his parents that Sumit is willing to put his wife through a lot on merely the hope of winning them back. Poor Jenny.
They’re back at the old house, because that’s where Jenny’s immigration paperwork says that they live

It’s not as good as their new place, so they need to update it. That means some appliances and cabinetry. Jenny wants a vacuum cleaner, but Sumit has some weird ideas about vacuums. If you’ve ever endured someone explaining why they think that dishwashers are wasteful (they’re vastly more water efficient than handwashing) or for lazy people, it’s basically the same thing here, but for broom enthusiasts.
Sumit, no!

It sounds like what Sumit actually wants is for Jenny to keep house like a “perfect” Indian wife would, because he hopes to win back his mom and therefore impress his mom. Jenny is no longer interested in Sahna’s approval; as far as she is concerned, if Sumit wants a relationship with that awful woman, that’s his business. She wants no part in it.
Jovi Dufren and Yara Zaya

He is preparing for work. As we know, Jovi’s work pays him well, but he has to leave home for weeks at a time. This time is different, because Yara’s green card could arrive while he’s away. He loves Yara and Mylah and feels concern that they might go to Prague to visit Yara’s mom (and other friends and family of hers who have fled the brutal war in Ukraine). His hope is that they’ll wait for him.
Yara doesn’t want to leave without him, either

But after going so long without seeing any of these people, and now watching her homeland subject to slaughter, bombings, and unthinkable war crimes, she is understandably anxious.
But this is a normal dispute

Unlike some of the bonkers conflicts that we see on this show, Jovi and Yara’s disagreements are all rooted in love. And even though they both feel strongly about this, they have a lot of respect for each other.
Yara takes Mylah to see Gwen

After the boat ride, they have worked to patch things up. Honestly, most of the conflict came from Jovi’s confrontation with Gwen. Yara and Gwen do really like each other, even if they don’t always see eye to eye. Normal family stuff.
They’re doing arts and crafts today

Yara very relatably admits that she does not love actually making crafts. There is a lot of cleanup and organization involved and not everyone enjoys that. We stan a relatable queen.
Also her commentary about tacky wall decor is amazing

Yara phrases it more delicately (she doesn’t call it “tacky”), but she is amused by all of the live, laugh, love and similar decorations at American homes. Just to be clear, these sorts of things aren’t universal. But she has noticed them especially in Cajun homes.
Gwen does worry about Yara’s choices

Yara and Mylah might end up staying in Europe for a while, and Gwen is understandably anxious. It’s not just safety — it’s also that she would miss her son, her grandbaby, and also Yara.
Kimberly Menzies and Usman Umar

He has yet to tell Kimberly that his mother is already refusing to approve of their marriage even without meeting her. He doesn’t want to make her nervous. The idea is apparently to go in with their heads held high, and the odds stacked in their favor.
Kimberly also wants to bring a gift

Buying someone a cow in the United States would almost always be an unwelcome burden, unless the recipient is a farmer or a very specific flavor of rick person and/or hippie. But the hope is that this gift will smooth things over with Usman’s mom, who has total veto power over her son’s marriage choices.
It’s cheap for a cow, expensive for a gift

Right now, the conversion for the cow’s price is about $450 USD. That’s more than Kimberly likely paid for Usman’s PS5. But brief internet research tells us that it’s below average for the price of a cow in Nigeria. So … yay?
They meet with Faruk, a friend who is often their mediator

Right now, Kimberly is in good spirits despite being anxious about meeting Usman’s family soon. She doesn’t know the truth. But Faruk tells her what Usman has not — that his family, and especially his mom, already dislike her.
Usman neglected to tell Kimberly that.

Kimberly is once again distressed that the man she loves has blindsided her. Faruk warns them that they could end up getting ordered to leave the home if things do not go well tomorrow, but even a “good” outcome likely won’t end in an endorsement of the relationship, let alone a blessing to marry.
Kimberly does everything right

She cannot control her age or her nation of origin or her race or ethnicity. But while Kimberly cannot choose to be a young and fertile Hausa woman, she can dress in a way that Usman’s traditional mother will appreciate.

Things start off seemingly okayBut all of Usman’s family is visibly feeling awkward. Kimberly doesn’t need to speak the same language to pick up on that.
To his credit, Usman does speak up for Kimberly

He defends her character, calling her a good person. And he affirms that they love each other. In a healthy family, that would be all that matters.
But this is not a healthy family

Usman’s mother feels entitled to grandchildren, and is unhappy that he has once again brought home an American who is too old to give her any.
Cow delivery!

Kimberly’s gift has arrived, delivered per her instructions.
But it’ll take more than a cow to quash this beef

Usman’s brother and soon other relatives decide that this gift from Kimberly is a “bribe.” Kimberly tries to defend herself, but when people have decided to dislike you before meeting you, there’s only so much that you can do or say.
Well, they tried

With Usman’s mother and other relatives refusing to endorse Kimberly, it’s unclear if they have any path forward.