90 Day Fiance: The Other Way has officially concluded its third season.
The Tell All special aired on Sunday, December 5, oddly not premiering on Discovery Plus until the afternoon.
Ariela and Biniyam were there together, discussing a lot of family drama.
Sumit and Jenny had plans to reveal their marital status to Sumit’s parents for the first time.
Steven had some painful confessions, and Alina was begged on air to leave him before he repeats this behavior.
Victor and Ellie made up, in part, for a lackluster storyline by serving great face at the Tell All.
And then Hiromi came out and reminded everyone that Ellie has sensible people in her life.
Kenneth and Armando had a lot to discuss, and their entire extended family was brought into it.
Corey was on “thin ice” going into this, Evelin said. During the Tell All, that ice began to crack.
Take a look at this detailed recap below:
The cast arrives

Victor is, notably, physically in New York — unlike some of his castmates, including two Americans, who are tuning in from other continents.
Steven Johnston is bracing himself

He knows that he is going to be the target of a lot of roasting. He’s right … but he also may be underestimating how people feel.
Jenny Slatten and Sumit Singh

After three seasons, this OG couple married in India … but kept the wedding a secret from Sumit’s parents. Many weeks or even months later, they are taking part in the Tell All from India. Sumit’s parents still do not know.
Corey is still on thin ice

Participating from Ecuador, Corey and Evelin are still together and of course still married. They do admit that things aren’t easy, and Corey is on “thin ice” because — as this season has aired — Evelin has had some truly upsetting revelations. Corey had months to tell Evelin everything that he had said and done on camera, and instead, Evelin was learning things watching the episodes just like the rest of us.
On the stage …

As the cast fills in, Steven tells Evelin that this is the most “modest” of an outfit that he has seen her wear. Absolutely deranged of him.
Shaun’s face says it all

It seems like Steven came to the Tell All with the idea that he needed to pick fights with castmates (to be fair, production encourages this strongly), but this weird attempt to neg Evelin only reflected poorly on him. First of all, don’t talk about Evelin’s clothes. Second of all, outside of toxic purity culture, telling someone that their outfit is “modest” is not a compliment, it just makes you sound like you’re in a cult.
Ariela Weinberg and Biniyam walk out last

Sometimes, the show will save the most dramatic couple for last, but despite Ariela and Biniyam having no shortage of drama, they were not the center of focus on this Tell All. This did give Evelin a chance to compliment Ariela’s look, a welcome counter to some cruel things that some viewers have said on social media.
BUT they have big news

Right off the bat, they confirm to Shaun that Bini got his K-1 visa and he and Ariela are living in the United States now. Normally, there would be way more questions about this, but since they’re almost certainly filming for another season in the franchise, they don’t provide many updates. However, Ari does reveal that she returned to Ethiopia despite her vow, and was there for Bini’s visa interview after all.
Steven “jokes” that he’s the worst person in the room

He then tries to turn this joke on Corey, who in turn jests that he’s not actually in the room with him. Not to be uncool, but really neither of them have a lot of moral high ground when it comes to how they treat their wives.
Shaun asks Steven if he stopped messaging other girls

This should be an easy answer. He married Alina in Turkey and moved to Russia with her. He deleted his Facebook account to stop girls from messaging him (not the point, but WHO is using Facebook to flirt in 2021, and why is a 25-year-old of all people doing this?) and made a formal commitment to her. So why is it that, instead of saying “of course I am not messaging other girls,” he started asking Alina in Russian if he can confess the truth?
Steven chatted with NINE girls a WEEK ago

Okay, so various young women were sliding into his DMs, probably for a while now, some of whom were sending photos — including topless photos, including fully nude photos. A week ago, he confesses, he and Alina had been in a fight, so he started responding and “encouraging” the attention.
Steven even sent his own pics

Now, Steven’s photos weren’t nude, he says, but in frankly more detail than anyone asked for, he says that he sent photos of his long tongue while admitting that he didn’t know how to use it. The implications are obviously sexual, and unbecoming of a married man.
Alina is all too aware

Apparently these girls sent screenshots of their conversations with Steven to Alina, who was once again devastated by yet another betrayal by the man she loves.
Steven was warned about this

Not all of the cast from this season know each other, but some do. Kenneth and Armando had chatted with Steven and Alina before the season aired. Kenneth had warned Steven about this — noting that even he, a married gay man, ended up with photos of naked women in his DMs. He was warned to never respond or encourage this. Steven clearly did not take that to heart.
Why did this happen yet again?

Steven says that he has a lot of sexual energy and some repression going on (something that we have been talking about almost all season). He also says that “for some reason” he wants to have a threesome. This is so much. Obviously, threesomes are normal — some people have a whole bunch while others never have them, but it’s a fine thing to desire. But what’s not okay is the implication that Steven would like for Alina to agree to one. There are a lot of wild oats that Steven could have sewn before dating, getting engaged, or marrying.
Evelin is right

Steven is not being fair to Alina in many ways. This is not what she signed up for.
Armando speaks up

He shares that he grew up as a Mormon, something that viewers did not previously know. (Many had errantly assumed that Armando’s family was Catholic, something that Kenneth corrected months ago when both he and Jenny Slatten were targeted by a strange and malicious screed) Armando noted that it’s normal to have sexual desires, but says that it’s wildly hypocritical of him to push his faith on Alina while betraying all of these tenets himself.
Corey backs him up

Speaking as a bit of a lapsed Mormon, Corey emphasizes how he is not representing himself as a devout Mormon, active in the church, while making his own mistakes — where Steven has made this central to the relationship.
“One time, Nelson Mandela was asked if he was a saint”

Steven characterized himself as a “sinner who keeps on trying,” in keeping with the famous South African leader’s words, which is … stunning.
Whatever they’re paying Shaun, it can’t be enough

Shaun sat there and listened to Steven explain his behavior by quoting a civil rights icon. Could you do that and still remain professional?
Never-before-seen footage

Filmed before Steven went to Turkey but not played until now, Steven met up with his ex-girlfriend, Vanessa for advice … but that’s not what he got. On camera, she called him out for having messaged her about her looks and photos while in a relationship, not telling her that he was in this relationship. It’s obvious why this footage didn’t play at the start of the season, because it would have effectively been a spoiler for who Steven is.
Vanessa was at the Tell All

In a compassionate tone aimed at Alina, she explained exactly what it was like dating Steven. They dated for months when she, who was also raised Mormon, was undergoing a faith crisis. During that time, he traveled to Russia, and she gave him permission to date while there but asked him to not go all the way with anyone. Steven had sex with three different women in Russia and then confessed it to her upon his return.
Vanessa encourages Alina to walk away

She says that she know that divorce is hard after making a commitment, but encourages her that doing so is not wrong because this is not what Alina signed up for. From Vanessa’s point of view, it looks like Steven’s behavior has gotten worse, not better. Alina is holding onto hope that Steven loves her enough that he will change, however.
Ariela calls out Steven

In a gentle tone, emphasizing that he’s “not a freak” or anything like that, Ari tells Steven that what he’s doing isn’t fair to Alina.
Steven tries to turn this back on her

He tells her that these are bold words from a woman who “abandoned” Bini. That of course is baseless. She took her baby for surgery and then returned to Africa to meet with Biniyam. He took a plane to Ethiopia but she did return there to help with his interview, despite her previous vow to not do so. Now they’re living together in the US. Where is the abandonment?
This is all so hard on Alina

On screen, she is visibly in tears. It is one thing to endure and process betrayals from someone you love. It is another to hear them so cavalierly explain it all on television, in front of your castmates in footage that will soon be seen by millions, and hear your problems catalogued by others.
Vanessa hopes that her words take root

She knows that Alina is insisting that she will stay with Steven and give him another chance, but it breaks her heart to see her go through this. Vanessa is clearly a compassionate young woman.
Ari is a bit more direct

She says that if Steven is intent upon exploring sexual experiences, he needs to let go of Alina so that she can live her own life. She’s right — and Steven has to choose.
On to Jenny Slatten and Sumit Singh

As the proper Tell All resumes after a break, the cast applauds Jenny and Sumit to congratulate them on getting married.
They haven’t told his parents yet

However, the plan is that they might tell Sumit’s parents at the Tell All … though that’s not certain.
Sadhna and Anil tune in

Sumit’s parents (until very recently, Sumit’s mom’s name was reported as Sahna and not Sadhna, but it is assumed that this updated spelling is the correct one) dialed in remotely to participate, just like their son and (little do they know) daughter-in-law.
Sumit’s brother and his sister-in-law are also there

Amit and Sharee have at times been a voice of moderation in the family, but they are thoroughly Team Parents these days and are also unaware of Sumit and Jenny’s marital status.
During Season 3, Sadhna and Anil seemed to come around

However, on screen, the cast watched footage of Anil — AFTER the astrologer meeting — saying that the relationship should end.
Sumit witnessed the change in attitude in real time

One moment, he describes, Sadhna was telling him that she would no longer stand in his way.
Then, things changed

Suddenly, Sumit recalls, his mother was telling him to send Jenny away and come back home and live with her.
Sumit’s parents get defensive

According to them, they’re not really interfering because they’re not stopping them from living together.
They draw the line at marriage

It’s kind of heartbreaking to see that, after all of this time, they can’t give their son their blessing to live his own life. It’s even sadder that Sumit still cares what these people think.
Kenneth speaks up

He lists how they have thrown everything at Sumit and Jenny and they’re still together. (At one point, it sounds like he’s going to spill the beans about them getting married, but he’s referring to Sumit’s arranged marriage) It makes sense that Kenneth is speaking up about this, because he’s a gay man in his late fifties. For the vast majority of his life, he was barred from marriage. (That’s also true for the majority of Armando’s life, but it’s even more for Kenny’s, because of how proportions work)
Sharee says that Sumit’s parents aren’t being cruel

She defends her in-laws, saying that this is the fault of the generation gap, not Sumit’s parents. But the generation gap isn’t insulting Jenny, threatening to kill itself, or reducing Sumit to tears — Anil and Sadhna are choosing to do those things.
Anil doesn’t see why they want to marry

They’re already living together, married in all but name (he believes), so why do they want to take this step? Sensibly, Jenny answers that they want to marry for the reason that anyone wants to — they love each other.
Would Amit have married Sharee if his parents had acted like this?

Amit claims that he would not have married his wife without his parents’ approval. Maybe that’s true, or maybe it’s moot so he’s just saying what they expect him to say. It’s hard to tell.
Does Sumit have anything more to say to his parents?

He declines his opportunity to tell his parents that he and Jenny are married. Those infamous cold feet strike again!
Well, that’s that

Once his parents are off the air, Sumit explains that he wants to tell them in person, face-to-face. This gets mixed reactions but a decent amount of approval from his castmates.
But there’ just one thing …

Shaun reminds him that the clock is now ticking. Only weeks — a couple of months at most — go by between when a Tell All films and when it airs, and even before the Tell All, Sumit and Jenny’s wedding will play on screen (as it did last weekend). That means that Sumit has a deadline to tell them in person before they find out for themselves. Either way, they’ll learn that everyone else knew at the Tell All but that he chickened out instead of telling them.
Time for Kenneth and Armando

Though Kenneth is there in person and Armando is there remotely, their family is still strong — and Armando even brings out Hannah for a special cameo. Don’t worry, she’s not there the whole time, and presumably was not listening to Steven’s horny confessions.
Wait, why is Kenneth there in person?

He is in the United States for a good reason, it turns out — his daughter Cassidy is very pregnant and could give birth literally any day, and he is excited for his second grandchild.
It will make it hard to go back

Kenneth emphasizes that Armando is the best thing to ever happen to him, but admits that it’s hard being away from family — either he’s away from his kids or he’s away from Armando and Hannah. That’s not easy.
The whole extended family comes together for the Tell All

Kenneth’s four children tune in — Taylor, Madison, Cassidy, Bricen — along with Armando’s mother, Virginia, and his sister, Debbie.
The wedding scene plays

We all saw Kenneth and Armando’s wedding already, but when this had filmed, the episode had not yet aired — so this is the cast’s first time seeing Armando’s father assert how gay marriage deserves the same treatment as straight marriage. This meant so much to Armando.
It also meant a lot to Sumit

More than once, Sumit could be seen getting emotional while seeing Armando’s family supporting him, and it’s not difficult to understand why.
This kind of family acceptance is what Sumit wanted

Just as Kenneth spoke up for Jenny and Sumit against Sumit’s parents, Sumit feels emotional when he sees Armando’s family attend his wedding because he wanted his own parents to be part of his wedding. His parents and his brother chose to make that impossible, and they’re missing out on that part of his life.
Kenneth and Armando might have a kid

Armando’s family weighs in that they’d love for that to happen … but not an adoption. It’s clear that there are cultural differences at play. In the United States, adoption is very common — in the LGBTQ+ community, but also in white evangelical families. Those aren’t the only groups, but these two disparate communities both practicing adoption (albeit for very different reasons) explains how, to many Americans, Armando and his family’s discomfort with the idea of adoption is so foreign.
Meanwhile, Kenneth’s family has concerns about baby plans

Cassidy points out the obvious — linear time exists. She could give birth any day. This would mean that her baby would eventually have an aunt or uncle younger than it. Kenneth’s grandchild would be younger than his new child. It’s worth considering.
Then there are concerns about Kenny’s age and having a baby

However, Evelin adds a note of levity and praise to this serious conversation, speculating that Kenneth will look just as young in 20 years, when he’s in his late 70s, as he does now.
Now it’s time for Ariela and Biniyam

While they don’t spoil their likely new season with details, Ariela does share how Biniyam seeing where she grow up and where she comes from has helped their relationship, because they both understand each other better now.
The ex-husband of it all

Stirring the pot, the Tell All brings out Leandro, Ariela’s ex-husband who remains her very good friend.
The two are still close

Biniyam notes that he might be less insecure about the two talking on the phone so much if they weren’t often speaking Spanish, a language barrier that makes him feel left out.
Victor pipes up

Ellie and Victor had arguably the smallest role on the season, but they took the time to make themselves noticed at the Tell All with their face journeys — and, in this case, with Victor offering to teach Bini some Spanish.
Leandro asks a fair question

Would Biniyam feel as jealous and insecure about the friendship if Ariela were speaking just as much to a friend who is a woman rather than a man who is her ex? It’s not an unfair question, but …
That’s not the reality

Ellie and Victor laugh in unison, because Leandro’s question is a flawed comparison. Again, it’s fair to ask — because one of the way to resolve unhappy feelings is to examine what exactly is making you unhappy. If Biniyam would resent Ariela talking for this long to a gal she knows, that would be a different problem. BUT … it also sounds like Leandro is suggesting that his ex status could be ignored altogether.
Biniyam’s sisters participate

Wish and Mimi admit that they miss baby Avi, their nephew, so much.
Why did Biniyam act out so much when Avi left for surgery?

Biniyam turned his and Ariela’s home into a music studio and party central while Ariela was gone. He would stay out at odd hours refusing to answer his phone, turning it off or putting it into airplane mode. According to him, all of this was his reaction to the anxiety about Ariela and Avi being away after his trauma at losing his old family. On the one hand, we get it — anxiety is not always rational. On the other hand, you have to admit that he was sabotaging himself here. It’s like being anxious about failing a class so you don’t go at all.
Wish denies tattling on Biniyam

According to her, Ariela is misrepresenting what she told her in order to “justify” her existing suspicions of Biniyam’s behavior.
Mimi has something even wilder to say

She accuses the nanny (also named Mimi) of causing problems between Ariela and Biniyam, but Ariela counters that having her there encouraging her is a big part of why they’re still together.
Wish feels threatened by Ariela

They are clearly concerned that Biniyam is going to have to choose between them and his wife, but he asserts that he wants both sides in his life.
Ariela storms off

She and Wish got so heated that they clearly felt the need to cool off. Thankfully, Ariela did not try to pull any Angela-style stunts — she just stood up and exited the stage for a few minutes.
In Ethiopia, Wish did the same

There, Mimi asked her to return. Sometimes, people just need a break from difficult conversations.
Why didn’t Biniyam say more?

He tried to dismiss this as a “girls problem,” but everyone — including his sister, Mimi — reminds him that this is a family problem and he is part of the situation.
Ariela returns, with one caveat

She’s happy to continue the Tell All, but is not willing to continue speaking with Wish and Mimi right now. On the one hand, we get it, they just called her a liar. On the other, it’s the Tell All special.
Moving on to Ellie and Victor

Victor described the total devastation of Providencia by the Category 5 hurricane. This had a traumatic impact upon him.
He is in the US with Ellie

They don’t say much, but acknowledge that this was with the K-1 visa. This is no surprise — during her first episode, Ellie said that this was the original plan. But COVID-19 threw everything for a loop, so it looked more realistic for her to move down there to be with him.
Is this the new plan?

Victor says that he’s not planning on remaining in the United States permanently, though … that is generally what the K-1 visa is for. We’ll see how it all works out.

Truly one of this season’s MVPs, Ellie’s bestie from Seattle steps onto the Tell All stage right after footage of her voicing very reasonable doubts about Victor plays. Awkward, but that’s how the show works.
Victor’s defensiveness is wild

“I’m not the first person that cheats in the world” is a true but meaningless statement, and sounds like he’s making excuses for having cheated on Ellie. Remember, he lived with another woman, telling her that Ellie was some crazy ex who wouldn’t accept a breakup.
Victor thinks that everyone’s a cheater

He even asks his castmates who hasn’t cheated. Now, he has an advantage because he’s asking this particular cast of goofballs. Steven can’t honestly raise his hand. Corey can’t honestly raise his hand. Sumit (who married another woman while with Jenny) can’t.

We don’t know that no one else raised their hand in response to this question (one seemingly aimed at the men in the room), but Kenny was happy to say this. Keep in mind that they’re all public figures from being on the show, so any cheaters who might raise their hands banking on viewers not knowing better risks an ex coming forward and exposing them.
Victor has some insecurities in the relationship

He feels like he doesn’t contribute to the financial side of their relationship. He also jokes that Ellie is “cheap,” which … does not go over well. She’s given him thousands of dollars. Just because it’s not a fortune doesn’t mean that it’s nothing. Ellie also admits that his struggles with anger can lead to him being mean to her.
Hiromi isn’t betting on the relationship lasting

She answers as delicately as she can, telling Shaun that it’s hard to say, but it’s clear that she thinks that Ellie is making a mistake.
On to Corey and Evelin

Evelin’s (gorgeous) sisters, Lipsy and Lesly, were clearly aiming for (and winning) the 90 Day Fiance Tell All Best Dressed Award, a thing that I just made up.
Corey’s brother and SIL also tuned in

Matt and Taelor participated, also remotely.
Lesly states why she still doesn’t like Corey

Because he’s a liar. That’s hard to deny — he has lied to Evelin more than once, including very recently. She hates seeing her sister hurt like this.
Are Evelin and Corey just “stuck” together?

Sometimes, couples just fall into the habit of being together and find themselves miserable but don’t know what to do about it. They acknowledge that this could be at play here, but aren’t sure. There’s a lot of real love, too.
Evelin met Corey’s family

Apparently it did not go well, as we learned earlier this season. Evelin felt isolated and disliked. Interestingly, Taelor and Evelin note that they have something in common — Corey says that family bonds became strained after Taelor entered the picture, while his brother Matt says that Evelin is to blame. Evelin and Taelor don’t like being blamed for a Rathgeber family issue.
Also, NO ONE from Corey’s family was at his wedding

In seven years, none of his relatives have visited him and Evelin in Ecuador. Lesly does not hold back about this, lecturing Matt about not being there for his brother. It’s not about liking Corey — she doesn’t — but it was about being there for her sister.
Steven gets a word in

He jokes that Corey isn’t alone — his family isn’t there, but he always has Jenny from Peru. This cruel line didn’t do much to Corey because it sounded weird and random, but it certainly hurt Evelin … and was a solid segue into another important topic.
Evelin didn’t know the extent of what Corey filmed with Jenny

To Evelin, this was so hurtful — that it happened at all, and that Corey didn’t warn her until it aired on television.
It’s SO hurtful

Evelin clearly feels both broken and betrayed by Corey, and that’s not unreasonable.
That’s the end of the Tell All

After, Kenneth assures Steven that he, at least, believes that Steven has it in him to change his behavior and be a better husband to Alina. It makes sense that Kenny is so supportive — Steven is around the age of Kenneth’s kids.
He also wishes Corey and Evelin the best

Kenneth tells Matt and Taelor that he loves Corey and Evelin as individuals, so he’s rooting for them. That more or less summarizes how many of us feel. (A lot of people love to hate Evelin, though)
As for Victor?

He didn’t like what Hiromi had to say. That’s understandable, coming from him. But fans LOVED what Hiromi had to say.