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From the start of Season 32 of Dancing With The Stars, Britney Spears fans condemned Jamie Lynn’s role on the competition.

It had less to do with her dancing and more to do with her reputation. The world at large feels that she took advantage of Britney and Britney’s fame.

That’s standard. Every contestant brings baggage. They’re famous, after all. And that’s what makes it so interesting.

This week, Jamie Lynn went home. But there’s a piece of bad news that, frankly, makes us actually wish that she’d stayed.

Jamie Lynn Spears shows off her profile before dancing a cha cha on Dancing With The Stars Season 32, Episode 2. (ABC)

Judges and audiences alike watched Jamie Lynn Spears and Alan Bersten perform a cha cha this week.

The dance earned respectable scores from the judges. And they observed that Jamie Lynn had clearly improved over their first week.

Nonetheless, she ended up in the bottom two. And, ultimately, host Alfonso Ribeiro announced that she was out of the running.

On their second night of Dancing With The Stars Season 32, Jamie Lynn Spears and Alan Bersten begin their cha cha. (ABC)

Judge Derek Hough blurted out: “Honestly, it’s quite surprising.”

Clearly, he felt blindsided by Jamie Lynn’s elimination. Especially after she’d improved so quickly.

“Jamie Lynn you were fantastic,” Hough assured her. “It’s just, wow. It’s a shocker, honestly.”

The judges on Dancing With The Stars Season 32 attempted to convince Jamie Lynn Spears that she is a hot “softball mom.” (ABC)

During her pre-dance interview on Tuesday, Jamie Lynn reflected upon how the judges perceived her during the first night.

“The judges could tell I was doubting myself,” she shared.

“I can do better,” Jamie Lynn affirmed. And, clearly, she could — because she did.

Alan Bersten and Jamie Lynn Spears danced a cha cha on their second and final night on DWTS Season 32. (ABC)

Jamie Lynn also admitted to worrying that the alluring dance might be too much for her to sell.

“Being a softball mom is not sexy,” she characterized.

“I beg to differ, I think softball moms are hot,” Hough countered, praising her cha cha as “a big improvement from last week.”

Jamie Lynn Spears and Alan Bersten did a lot of face-acting during their cha cha. Dance isn’t just about feet and hips! (ABC)

Hough was not the only judge to sing Jamie Lynn’s praises this week.

Bruno Tonioli raved that she was only just beginning to “come out of your shell” as a dancer.

It’s likely that miniscule changes to her dance last week and this week would have meant that she’d stay. But that’s how a dance competition works.

The stage interview was downright awkward. And what exit interview isn’t?

But this as all in front of the live studio audience. They were, if anything, looking more stunned than Jamie Lynn herself.

She repeatedly apologized to Alan Bersten, and admitted: “I hate it for him the most, thank you Alan.” Oh no, that’s actually very sweet!

Jamie Lynn Spears and Alan Bersten showed improvement from their first night on DWTS Season 32. (ABC)

We mentioned that there is a downside to this.

Obviously, hating Jamie Lynn is sort of a meme — even though there is genuine wrongdoing behind it.

But one of her competitors is Adrian Peterson, one of the most vile people to ever appear on Dancing With The Stars. And yes, we’re including Sean Spicer in the ranking.

Jamie Lynn Spears made an admirable attempt at a split on Dancing With The Stars Season 32. (ABC)

We need to make sure that a recurring joke doesn’t make us lose perspective.

Jamie Lynn certainly could and should have been a better sister to Britney. But she’s not evil. There is no reason to believe that she is a monster.

She and Adrian were in the bottom two this week, and she went home. It should have been him. Actually, he should never have been on the show to begin with.