We barely even know how to respond to the following story.
So we’re mostly just gonna report on it, straightforwardly.
But goodness, celebrity gossip followers, this whole thing is all kinds of messed up, even by Duggar family standards, which is saying quite a lot.

According to a recent social media post, Anna’s Duggar’s brother, David Keller, is engaged to Josh Duggar’s guardians’ daughter, Hannah Reber.
As you may recall, Josh was granted freedom on bond in early May, following his arrest on child pornography charges, but on multiple conditions only.
Foremost among those conditions?

Josh is not allowed to be near his own children by himself.
Because each is a minor, and Josh likely downloaded graphic photos and videos of kids under the age of 12, so a judge banned him from returrning to his own house.
LaCount and Maria Reber, friends of Josh’s controlling parents, therefore stepped up and volunteered to serve as third-party custodians.

Josh is currently residing in their Arkansas home, despite Maria expressing some hesitation about the arrangement at a hearing just over two months ago.
"We want to help the family and minister to them," Maria Reber told a judge at the time, adding:
"My husband has made the decision and I’m here to support that decision."

Based on the news at the center of this article, it now seems apparent just why the Rebers were convinced it was the right decision to take in an alleged pedophile:
Because Jim Bob Duggar made a deal to marry off their daughter to his brother-in-law.
In an Instagram photo spotted by Katie Joy of Without a Crystal Ball late last week, David is holding Hannah’s hand up-close and showing off her diamond ring.

The caption simply reads:
07.15.21 [sic] were engaged!
The couple has since made their own joint Instagram account, with the first photo showing them holding hands and clapping back against the sort of speculation we just posted above.

"Nothing about David or I was prearranged. We chose each other. And I’d choose him again," writes Hannah.
"He is giving and loving and kind. He’s helped me to see my value and see how beautiful life is.
"I haven’t always felt valued or seen. It’s overwhelming. It feels a lot like God’s love."

We mean, sure.
You may go ahead and believe this statement if you’d like. They may truly feel like they belong together forever.
Just last month, David revealed that he was dating Hannah, writing alongside a photo of his now fiancee:

“Hey everyone I’d like you to meet Hannah Reber! I have really enjoyed getting to know her."
"God gives good Gifts. James 1:17.”
"Dear David, God gives good gifts…" Hannah then wrote on Instagram shortly afterwards.

Anna Duggar, who his currently pregnant with Josh’s seventh child, has stood by her husband following his arrest.
Seemingly in denial and blaming others for what transpired, she appears no closer to leaving him than before.
It’s been hard to watch.

"Anna is really struggling with Josh’s arrest, and she’s still at war with his parents Jim Bob and Michelle," a source previously claimed to The Sun.
"She still lives in the warehouse on Duggar land but isn’t particularly welcome at the main house at the moment.
"She has been pointing the finger at everyone else for what has happened to Josh, she’s falling out with family members and isolating herself."

We’ll continue to monitor this situation, of course.
We’ll continue to write all about the Duggars and continue to keep you apprised of the latest reactions and various details related to Josh’s November trial (unless Josh pleads guilty before then).
But we need a quick break here.

In light of everything going on right now?
This whole engagement news is just too incestuous, and bizarre, for us to fully process at this point.