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Leah Messer has endured many challenges during her years in the Teen Mom spotlight.

She’s survived an abusive childhood, two divorces, struggles with substance abuse, and much more.

But undoubtedly the most difficult trials that Leah has been forced to endure have involved and well-being of her daughter Ali Simms.

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As longtime viewers know, Ali suffers from a rare form of muscular dystrophy.

The condition has limited the 11-year-old’s physical capabilities, but it certainly hasn’t dampened her spirit.

In fact, Ali has become a source of inspiration for many, as she’s put on a brave face throughout the many challenges she’s faced.

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It hasn’t always been easy, of course, especially since Ali’s sisters are both active in terms of athletics and other physical activities.

Ali is forced to look on and cheer from the sidelines, but she always does so with a smile on her face.

Sadly, muscular dystrophy usually gets worse with age, but Ali and her family remain hopeful.

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And now, it seems that Leah and Ali have joined the fight for a cure.

“Ali’s muscle biopsy from 2012 was recently sent to a lab at OSU [Ohio State University] for new gene therapy testing,” the mom of three wrote on Instagram earlier this week.

“If her biopsy responds positively, it could potentially unlock doors for many others."

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Clearly, Leah is hoping for the best despite the many setbacks she and Ali have already encountered.

The odds might be slim, but that’s always the case when it comes to finding cures for rare diseases.

In a sense, Ali and Leah are forced to play a difficult waiting game as they anticipate a cure.

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But thankfully, the mother-daughter team is taking an active role in the battle for a brighter future.

Leah recently revealed that she’s teamed up with the nonprofit organization Cure Rare Disease.

Together with CRD, she and and her loved ones are hosting fundraising events to raise money for “rare neuromuscular diseases like Ali’s.” 

Ali Simms is Happy

Leah encouraged her followers to join the fight by suggesting fund-raising activities similar to the ice bucket challenge that benefited ALS research.

“I also enjoyed being a part of the obstacle course and color run events in the past,” she wrote on Instagram.

“We’re open to all possibilities.” 

Ali Simms at the Doctor's

Whatever happens, of course, Leah will continue supporting Ali and singing the praises of the girl who “doesn’t give up until she figures it out."

“And even if that looks a little different from the way everyone else does it, and she’s not afraid to use her voice to speak up,” Leah said in a recent interview with In Touch.

“[She asks] how can I adapt and make this so I can be a part of it or we can?" Messer continues. And that sometimes looks different from the way another child may do it, but I’m just so proud of them. I love my girls."

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As for the ways in which Ali’s condition might impact her future, Leah says she has full faith in her daughter’s capabilties:

“It won’t affect her because I feel like I’m raising a very strong daughter,” Leah explains.

“Yes, she has muscular dystrophy, but it doesn’t make her any different than the next person and she deserves the same thing in life; same experience.”