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Whether you love her or hate her or just feel a great deal of pity for her, there’s no denying that Kylie Jenner is an attractive person.

Stunning, right? No alternative facts are gonna change that …

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Maybe you wish she’d stop messing with her lips, or maybe you’d personally prefer it if she gave all the heavy makeup a rest. 

But still, at the end of the day, you know she’s pretty. And you know that you’d never look away from a bikini photo of this girl.

See, Kylie is down in Costa Rica right now on that great big family vacation with the Kardashians we keep hearing about.

But unlike Kim and Kourtney, Kylie doesn’t have kids to take care of.

And unlike Khloe, she doesn’t have a Revenge Body to maintain.

So what’s a girl to do in paradise besides take countless selfies?!

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Interestingly enough, a couple of these photos were shared to her Instagram account and then deleted, which is unheard of for Kylie.

The ones where she’s wearing the black and red Louis Vuitton bikini briefly appeared on the social network, only to be scrubbed.

Weird, right? After all, there’s no denying she looks great in them.

One theory is that Kylie deleted the pictures because of the continued escalation of a rumor she would just as soon not fuel.

The comments were beginning to get all filled up with her 80 million followers asking about her widely rumored boob job.

"When did you get your boobs done?" one of her followers asked.

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Another Kylie follower mused simply, "New year, new boobs."

But as of right now, Kylie is still insisting that she hasn’t gotten breast implants, despite her dramatically changing appearance.

When fans noticed a mighty big difference in her bust size back in August, she said that it was simply "that time of the month."

She was experiencing a little bit of bloating, in other words.

But that was then and this is now, and her boobs look the same. Girl might want to consider seeing someone if her period’s lasted this long.

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We’re guessing it hasn’t, but that’s just us, people.

Regardless of why Kylie deleted two photos of her vacation bod, she’s doing her best to replace them with new images.

For instance, there’s this photo, which the 19-year-old reality star actually, in real life, captioned as such on Instagram:

"Body is a Wonderland."

A wonderland? 

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As in a fantasy? As in a lie?

As in "Sorry I lied and said I had period boobs when obviously you all have eyes and my boobs suddenly got ginormous"?

Nah, it’s probably just a reference to that lame John Mayer song, which is now in our heads and making us miserable.

(Thanks a lot for that, Kylie.)

Regardless, the plot thickens.

See the gallery below for many, many other reasons why her young fans remain convinced that Jenner has … uhh …

Blossomed unnaturally?