Try to look past Kylie Jenner’s lips for a moment if you can.
We know it’s difficult, but please. Try. For the sake of this.
Scroll down this reality star’s body a little further and you’ll come across a different part of her body sparking debate this week.
Two body parts, if we’re being specific. We’re talking about Kylie’s boobs, and the question we have for you is: Are they real?!?
Kylie claims they are 100 percent natural, but we’ve compiled a rundown of racy pictures that purport to tell a different story.
Moreover, a plastic surgeon says they’re fake, fake, fake.
Who to believe? Remember when Kylie claimed her lips were real? She eventually admitted to the use of products that are … not.
Her credibility is suspect, in other words.
The jury is out, but we enter the following images as evidence in the case of The People v. Kylie Jenner’s Allegedly Legitimate Boobs:
Questions Mount

Shared in August of 2016, many point to this photo as the one that got folks wondering about the boob job.
Happy New Year… and Boobs?

This was the first photo Kylie shared in 2017. Was she trying to tell us something?
Ogle Me in October

This is the photo featured in October for Kylie’s 2017 calendar. We understand why some men might buy it.
Forget My Face!

Just focus on my breasts! Here, let me help! I’ll turn away completely!
Kylie or Kim?

Seriously, could Kylie possibly look any more like her half-sister than she does here?!?
Showing Wood

Kylie is posing here with some friend named Jordyn Wood. But we apologize to her in advance: no one is looking in her direction.
Accentuating the Chest

Just… come on now. What does Kylie want us discussing here if not her chest?!? Look at the way she is arching her back.
A Nip Has Slipped!

Again, do you really think Kylie wants us to focus on anything but her boobs here?

Jenner is pressing it together for this picture, which isn’t really necessary. We can already tell it’s massive.
You Can Balance Cans on These Things

We bet she could if she tried.
Bikini Selfie #4,198

That is just a rough estimate of a number. But few women with all-natural breasts are this open about showing off their chest.

Kylie is wearing the kind of swimsuit here made famous by Pamela Anderson in Baywatch. And we know she got a boob job!
In a Black Bra

If Kylie did get a boob job, she didn’t go too crazy with it. She didn’t ask for 38DDs or anything. That’s what makes this so challenging.
From April 2016

Her breasts look smaller here than they do in photos snapped later that year, right? Right?!?
What Boobs?!?

See, back in March of 2016, she was still snapping selfies, but not really of her cleavage. Maybe because it was not yet surgically enhanced?
Throwing It Back

This was taken in November of 2015. It’s like she doesn’t even have breasts at all!
Feel Me?

That’s what Kylie wrote about this bikini-clad image, which she posted in January of 2017. Compare it to the previous image and then respond: Did she get a boob job or what?!?
Remember the Lips?

Kylie claimed they were naturally plump for months and months. But they are not. We now know this.
… And About That Butt…

… no way she’s padding, right? It does suddenly look bigger than it used to look.