On Duck Dynasty Season 7 Episode 9, Jase Robertson and his dutiful duck call staff took to the high seas … or at least the high swamps of Louisiana.

The goal? Transforming a very old, very used pontoon boat into a floating duck blind, perfect for hunting the beloved waterfowl in their natural habitat.
If you watch Duck Dynasty online, you know Jase is famous for ideas like this, and that surprisingly, a lot of them actually achieve some success.
Sure, the duck blind shaped like a cow was a little impractical, but that’s neither here nor there at this point. The floating duck boat blind? Genius.
Of course, the aesthetics and camoflouge are just part of the task at hand, as they are also faced with the issue of whether or not it will actually float.
Minor details, right? We’ve also seen Jase’s track record in regard to old boats, as he famously sank one of Phil’s an a memorable, early episode.
With Martin and Godwin involved, the thing had better be sturdy. Not hating on them, just saying. Did he learn his lesson from that past mishap?
We’ll let you follow the link above to see how he fares this time around, but we promise Duck Dynasty Season 7 Episode 9 does not disappoint.
Meanwhile, Miss Kay’s dog Bobo ("BOBO!") isn’t exactly on his best behavior, peeing on Willie’s stuff every time he comes to visit his parents.
Phil Robertson believes this is not a big issue – or an issue at all, as he’s just marking his territory – but Willie feels he has to do something about it.
Obviously, he signs Miss Kay and Bobo up for a canine obedience class in town, making for your classic Duck Dynasty fish out of water storyline.
How did it go? Can this old dog learn new tricks? Will the little guy who loves Phil’s chair learn to control his bladder? You’ll just have to watch and see.
Then check out the Duck Dynasty stars without beards in the fun photo gallery below, because that never disappoints (especially young Willie):