Yesterday, the cast of Ghostbusters 3 was revealed, and the announcement was followed by a fair amount of confusion.
Sure, Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy are A-listers in the comedy world, but if you’re not a fan of Saturday Night Live, there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of Kate McKinnon or Leslie Jones, so here’s a crash course:
McKinnon joined the cast in 2012 and quickly became one of SNL’s standout talents. She’s the show’s first openly lesbian cast member, and her Justin Bieber impression is one of the best things ever.
Watch her instantly-viral riff on Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein ads if you don’t believe us.
Leslie Jones joined SNL in 2014 and at 47, she has the distinction of being the oldest new cast member to join the show.
She’s also effortlessly hilarious, as evidenced by this public service announcement encouraging dudes to bring their dates weed instead of flowers:
As long as we’re clearing things up, there are a couple other points on which people seem to be confused
- The film is being referred to as "Ghostbusters 3," but that’s a bit of a misnomer, as the movie will reportedly be less of a sequel to The Adventures of Vigo the Carpathian and more of a reboot of the iconic franchise.
- No, the writers and director of the original films will not be returning, as Ivan Reitman dropped out, Harold Ramis is dead, and Dan Aykroyd is shilling vodka that comes in a glass skull.
- There is nothing absurd about an all female team of ghostbusters, because ghostbusters – like ghosts – are not real, and the movie is not a documentary.
- There’s no word on if the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man will be involved in the reboot, but we hear negotiations have stalled.
There. Now that that’s all cleared up, we can all just hope this thing is as funny as it sounds and cross our fingers for cameos from Slimer or Dana/Zuul.