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The 2014 Pulitzer Prize winners were announced on Monday. 

The Washington Post and The Guardian each won a Pulitzer Prize in the Public Service category, taking home one of the most prestgious and coveted journalism awards for their coverage of Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing on the widespread secret surveillance of the global population.

Edward Snowden, a National Security Agency contractor, revealed that the NSA had been spying on the world in early 2013 and fled the country, seeking asylum in Europe.

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The Washington Post‘s coverage of the event helped the public understand the "larger framework of national security" while The Guardian sparked debate between the US government and the public over issues of privacy and security.

The Boston Globe staff also took home a Pulitzer in the Breaking News category for their coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing and ensuing manhunt. 

The Pulitzer Prize was named for Joseph Pulitzer who founded the Columbia Journalism School. The awards are decided upon by a 19-member panel of editors, executives, and academics. A complete list of the winners follows.


Letters, Drama, and Music

  • Fiction–The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt (Little, Brown)
  • Drama–The Flick by Annie Baker
  • History–The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832 by Alan Taylor (W.W. Norton)
  • Biography or Autobiography–Margaret Fuller: A New American Life by Megan Marshall (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
  • Poetry–3 Sections by Vijay Seshadri (Graywolf Press)
  • General Nonfiction–Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation by Dan Fagin (Bantam Books)
  • Music–Become Ocean by John Luther Adams (Taiga Press/Theodore Front Musical Literature)
  • Public Service–The Guardian US and The Washington Post
  • Breaking News Reporting–Staff of The Boston Globe
  • Investigative Reporting–Chris Hamby of The Center for Public Integrity, Washington, DC
  • Explanatory Reporting–Eli Saslow of The Washington Post
  • Local Reporting–Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of Tampa Bay Times
  • National Reporting–David Philipps of The Gazette, Colorado Springs, CO
  • International Reporting–Jason Szep and Andrew R.C. Marshall of Reuters
  • Commentary–Stephen Henderson of Detroit Free Press
  • Criticism–Inga Saffron of The Philadelphia Inquirer
  • Editorial Writing–Editorial Staff of The Oregonian, Portland
  • Editorial Cartooning–Kevin Siers of The Charlotte Observer
  • Breaking News Photography–Tyler Hicks of The New York Times
  • Feature Photography–Josh Haner of The New York Times