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Jermaine Lloyd, from Augusta, Georgia, may not have exposed himself to a group of children a la Peewee Herman, but he was arrested for indecent exposure.

Authorities found him hiding behind a tree while naked except for a pair of hot pink heels and a turban. At the time he was trying to put on a pair of pink women’s panties. 

Silly man. He might’ve been able to get himself dressed if he’d just taken off the heels first.

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Lloyed attempted to flee, but was apprehended, probably because he was running in high heels. He was also carrying a pair of sweatpants and a purple Crown Royal bag containing cocaine and marijuana.

This was totally confusing until that last part about the drugs. 


Where this story gets even better (or worse) is that this is actually the second time Lloyd had a run-in with the police in the same week, though the first time he was fully clothed. 

He was picked up on November 13th for DUI but escaped while authorities searched his vehicle. They found, yep, you guessed it. More cocaine and marijuana.

He’s being held in the Richmond County jail on a $12, 640 bond.