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A bloody cricket bat is now the center of the investigation into the death of Oscar Pistorius’ model girlfriend, according to a newspaper in South Africa.

Police are unsure if Reeva Steenkamp used the bat in self-defense or if the Olympic sprinter used it, either by hitting her or breaking down a door.

Steenkamp reportedly hid in the bathroom of his home and was shot four times through the door; a report says her skull may have been crushed as well.

The City Press, a paper in their native South Africa, quotes a source as saying, “There was lots of blood on the bat. Forensic tests will show whose blood it was.”


Pistorius was charged with murder. He is due back in court next week.

On top of the cricket bat, another report indicates that the athlete called his good friend, Justin Divaris, in tears after he realized he had shot Reeva Steenkamp to death.

“Reeva had been shot,” Oscar said on the phone, allegedly.

“I said to him, ‘What are you talking about? I don’t understand you,’” Justin told the paper. “He then repeated himself — ‘There has been a terrible accident, I shot Reeva.’”

Justin raced over to Oscar’s home, only to find it blocked off.

“It was very traumatic,” he said. “By the time we got there it was already a crime scene and we weren’t allowed in the house. But we could see Reeva through the door lying there.”

“[Oscar] was totally incoherent and just kept saying, ‘My baba, I’ve killed my baba. God take me away,’” Justin continued. “It is so sad. I introduced Reeva to Oscar.”

“She was a really, really good friend of mine too and actually had been a friend longer … I don’t understand exactly what happened but the truth will come out.”