Lindsay Lohan’s friends are reportedly trying to get her into rehab, but the defiant and troubled star is giving them the Amy Winehouse line in response:
No, no, no!
Lohan has become stressed out by legal and and financial problems (the IRS just seized Lohan’s assets to recover back taxes) and has been drinking like a fish of late.
Even by her standards, she’s out of control, and friends have been urging her to seek treatment before she goes before a judge to face four new criminal charges.
Team Lohan feels this move might win her favor with the judge, but Lindsay is having none of it, telling friends she does not think she has a problem with alcohol.
Lindsay points to the fact that she’s been working like a madman in the past few months and recently completed three movies as proof she doesn’t need rehab.
Any Liz & Dick review debunks that logic, but whatever.
Lohan is worried about the upcoming hearing to determine if she violated probation, but maintains she will not check into rehab as some kind of PR ploy.
She was also arrested last week for punching Tiffany Mitchell at a New York club … girlfriend could end up doing time for that too, on its own merit and as a probation violation.
Some might say she needs exactly that as a wake-up call – some time in lockup. Any sentence would likely be cut down to like 72 hours due to overcrowding, but still.
What do you think? Should Lindsay Lohan do hard time in jail?