Olympic bronze medalist Danell Leyva is basking in the stardom he’s earned with his outstanding performance in gymnastics at the Summer Games in London.
His towel has also become a celebrity in its own right.
The 20-year-old Leyva won the medal in the men’s gymnastics all-around final last night, with his blue and gray towel playing a key supporting role.
Between events, Leyva is often seen with his trademark towel on his shoulders; sometimes he also wraps it around his head to block out distractions.

After Leyva won the bronze, he talked about his struggles on pommel horse, his brilliance on the high bar, and his hopes of competing in the 2016 Olympics.
He was also asked about his lucky charm.
With 10,000-plus Twitter followers, @leyvastowel clearly has a fan base. “It’s crazy,” said Leyva, who isn’t sure who owns the account. “But it’s kinda cool.”
The decidedly non-flashy towel is, in some ways, emblematic of Danell Leyva’s humble beginnings – and has been with him for more than five years.
“And they both came back with the exact same towel. I said, ‘OK, this is a coincidence. I’m going to keep these two as my lucky towels.'”
“One of them ripped a couple of months later, so I just had the one. I’ve had it since 2007. It hasn’t left my side since,” Levya noted.
While frequently seen in Danell Leyva pictures, there’s one place you shouldn’t expect to see that thing, and that’s the Olympic Village laundromat.
You never know who could accidentally walk off his pride and joy – or swipe it by mistake out of spite. Leyva is not taking any chances.
“No, no,” he said. “I’ll just air it out.”