Timothy Poe has apologized once again for the mess he created on America’s Got Talent last week. And this time he’s done so in between sobs.
The singer – who found himself in boiling hot water following a stutter-filled audition last Monday, the result of which, he claimed during the feature, was a brain injury suffering while in Afghanistan in 2009 – told a Dallas news program over the weekend that he never intended to mislead viewers.
“As everything I said, I believe it wholeheartedly myself,” he said. “But I feel like I’m going crazy.”

In light of numerous facts contradicting his tale – such as a photo Poe purported to be of himself overseas actually proving to be a different soldier, and no record of any Purple Heart given out to the aspiring singer for his alleged injury – Poe came clean in an interview a days ago, and has now done so again.
As best he can, that is.
“I really don’t know right now what’s reality and what’s not reality,” Poe says on a camera, his fiancee by his side. “I don’t feel like I’ve lied. That’s what’s driving me crazy, because I truly thought things have happened to me…. I really am sorry.”
Poe did serve his country for nine years, that much is not in dispute. But the details of his account very much are. Watch his tearful interview below.