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It looks like Casey Anthony has a million dollar decision to make.

A Florida law firm representing a group of Hollywood producers is looking to revisit talks for her first interview following her split with attorney Jose Baez.

In a letter dated Tuesday, the firm of Cohen & Kuvin tells Anthony’s new attorney, J. Cheney Mason, that all sides had previously agreed to a mega-deal.

Until Baez pulled out, that is … and parted ways with Casey for unknown reasons. In any case, sans Baez, they’re still interested in getting a deal done.

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California-based producer Al Taylor, who’s worked on behalf of The Jerry Springer Show in the past, was previously linked to a potential deal with Anthony.

Springer denies his show was involving in making any such offer.

The 25-year-old, who was controversially acquitted of murder, manslaughter and child abuse in the 2008 death of her daughter Caylee, remains in hiding.

Mostly. She resurfaced in a video blog released earlier this month, though the exact leak of the Casey Anthony video diaries has yet to be determined.