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Michaele Salahi and Neal Schon didn’t just run off and leave their partners, they humiliated them in the process … and her estranged husband Tareq is suing over it.

Tareq Salahi is demanding his estranged wife and her rock star boyfriend cough up $17 MILLION DOLLARS for publicly humiliating him with their torrid, public affair.

Good luck with that. The legal basis, supposedly, is this:

Tareq’s attorney claims that the adulterous duo profited unfairly off Tareq’s misery and sabotaged his career in the process. The first part is a stretch. The second … LOL.

The taunting, the $10,000 lingerie shopping sprees, the onstage make-out sessions, the pic of Neal’s junk Tareq says he was emailed … all salt in Salahi’s wounds.

According to Tareq, all the buzz surrounding Michaele Salahi‘s affair with Neal Schon boosted ticket sales of Journey’s recent tour, which she ran off to join him on.

All the while torpedoing Tareq’s reality TV dreams. It’s so sad really.

Making matters worse, Tareq claims Michaele and Neal have put the wheels in motion for their own reality show, leaving Tareq in the dust … with $2 million of debt.

Tareq wants $17 million to compensate him. Don’t hold your breath, T.