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In one of the strangest celebrity gossip stories of the year, actor Jeremy London claimed last month that he was kidnapped at gunpoint and forced to do drugs.

The tale seemed hard to believe, literally, as London’s own family expressed public doubts over its validity and said the former Party of Five star needs help for a substance abuse problem.

While London insists the incident took place, he admits in a new interview that he struggles to remain sober. Asked if he’s been clean over the last couple months:

“I have had a few drinks here and there. I haven’t been perfect. I’ve been horribly depressed… I’ve slipped and I’ve taken a couple painkillers a couple times.”

Continued the actor:

“Being an addict sucks, it’s a disease and it’s a day-to-day struggle no matter what. But I’m doing great. I’m sober. This [kidnapping] is absolutely something that could cause someone to fall off the wagon…and I’ve been able to stay sober through it. So that’s a big test to me. I’ve proven that I can do it.”

And he has the best possible reason for doing so: a son.

“He’s the light of my life, I wouldn’t have made it through this without my son. I’m going to do whatever it takes to stay sober.” 


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