Another season of The Bachelorette is officially upon us, and with it, another shocking scandal – and obligatory Bachelorette spoilers giving it away beforehand.
Naturally, one suitor of Ali Fedotowsky is singled out immediately as this season’s Mr. There for the Wrong Reasons. You all must be familiar with the old adage:
There’s one in every group of reality TV fame whores.
The guy in question Justin Rego, a pro wrestler with the stage name Rated-R. Really. Dude even wore a shirt with “Rated-R” across the chest when he met Ali.

Rihanna is rolling in her grave right now.
Apparently, Justin Rego’s day of reckoning comes when Jessica Spillas contacts Ali Fedotowsky through Jessie Sulidis – who outed Rozlyn Papa on The Bachelor.
Confused yet?
Ali Fedotowsky beware: One of your suitors has ulterior motives!
Spillas informs Ali Fedotowsky that she’s Rego’s girlfriend, and knew about and supported his decision to do The Bachelorette in order to further his career.
The reason Jessica Spillas comes forward? She discovers that Rego had been seeing another woman as well. Might as well humiliate that a$$ on television.
Needless to say, Ali is repulsed by this and Rated-R, who as of June 14 has advanced three episodes and sparked rage among the guys, gets booted. Brutal.
Our man Reality Steve has more details, but that’s the gist. Aside from this scandal, bank on more trumped-up drama from the creative ABC writing staff.
Thanks to him, we’ve even got the skinny on what’s to come at the FINAL ROSE CEREMONY, including who Ali does and does not pick at season’s end.
Follow the jump for tons more Bachelorette spoilers from the season, from the full list of cast members to the order they’re knocked off and much more …
- Jesse Beck
- Justin “Rated R” Rego
- John Crivello
- Kasey Kahl
- Tyler Vermette
- Chris Hasek-Watt (Canada)
- Roberto Martinez
- Chris N. (From Florida)
- Jonathan Novack
- Ty Brown
- Kirk DeWindt
- Craig Robinson
- Frank Neuschaefer
- Hunter Wagner
- Chris Lambton
- Steve Kocsis
- Craig (from Canada)
Episode 2: (17 contestants down to 14)
1-on-1 date: Frank.
Group date: Ty Brown gets the rose.
1-on-1 date: Jesse. He gets a rose.
Rose ceremony eliminations: Chris Hasek-Watt, Craig (from Canada), Tyler Vermette.
Episode 3: (14 down to 11)
1-on-1: Roberto. He gets a rose.
Group Date: Kirk gets a rose.
1-on-1: Hunter. He does not get a rose.
Rose ceremony eliminations: Steve Kocsis and John Crivello (Hunter already eliminated).
Episode 4: (New York, 11 down to 9)
1-on-1: Kasey. No rose … but he still stays.
Group date: No rose doled out here either.
1-on-1: Chris Lambton. He Chris gets a rose.
Rose ceremony eliminations: Jesse Beck and “The Weatherman” Jonathan Novack.
Episode 5: (Iceland, 9 down to 7)
1-on-1: Kirk DeWindt. He gets a rose.
Group date: Ty Brown gets the rose.
2-on-1, Justin and Kasey: Justin gets the rose. Kasey is gone.
Rose ceremony elimination: Chris N. (Kasey Kahl already gone).
Episode 6: (Turkey, 7 down to 5)
Justin Rego is booted at this juncture for aforementioned reasons.
1-on-1: Ty Brown. Rose.
Group date: Unclear if rose is given out here or not … stay tuned.
Rose ceremony elimination: Craig Robinson (Justin already gone).
Episode 7: (Portugal, 5 down to 4)
1-on-1: Roberto Martinez. Rose.
2-on-1: Unclear. Stay tuned.
Rose ceremony elimination: Ty Brown.
Hometown Dates:
- Kirk DeWindt (Wisconsin)
- Frank Neuschaefer (Chicago)
- Roberto Martinez (Florida)
- Chris Lambton (Cape Cod)
Rose Ceremony Elimination: Kirk DeWindt.
Overnight Dates (Tahiti)
Major Bachelorette scandal alert: Frank eliminates himself from the competition in Tahiti after telling Ali he’s still in love with his ex girlfriend back home.
This happens before they spend the night together, Ali is furious, and there is no rose ceremony. Details are still scarce now, but this should be good.
Which leaves this season’s final two of Chris Lambton and Roberto Martinez. That’s been the topic of debate for weeks, and we’ve finally got the scoop.
UPDATE, 6/14: It’s worth noting that while the big drama is still to come, everything about the above spoilers has checked out 100 percent so far.
That Rated R is up to no good. Unlike Wes Hayden, who was a mere pawn of the producers, it’s interesting that the guys had it right about this guy.
UPDATE, 6/18: Raw intelligence now suggests that Chris Lambton gets rejected at the final rose ceremony, leaving Roberto Martinez and Ali to …
Well, yeah. She doesn’t pick him either, supposedly. There is no gimmicky ending, with a “shocking” return by someone or anything like that.
Girl just plain rejects both. What a letdown!
Full disclosure: This is based on five different sources, but nothing 100 percent concrete. Just no indication whatsoever that Ali is NOT single now.
We’ll keep you posted with anything new. In the meantime, leave a comment below with your thoughts on this season and the supposed conclusion.
UPDATE, 7/1: Well, the Justin Rego scandal played out exactly as described, only more awesome, and Craig was eliminated in Turkey as well.
Reports are surfacing that Ali may be engaged on the finale after all, but these are vaguely-worded tabloid articles that are likely bogus. Sorry.
You never know, but until we have reason to believe otherwise (we mean observing them be wrong), we stand by The Bachelorette spoilers above.
UPDATE, 7/13: Yup, Kirk’s out and the final three are set, as predicted, with previews even hinting at the Frank drama described above. Nuts.
Stay tuned, more updates to follow …