The same loser is suspected of robbing both Lindsay Lohan and Audrina Patridge this year. Not great for Nicholas Prugo if he hoped to get away with it.
Prugo, who was arrested on suspicion of breaking into Lindsay Lohan’s house, is also suspected of hitting Audrina Patridge’s pad too, according to TMZ.
Cops believe Nicholas Prugo, 18, broke into Audrina’s L.A. home in February, then ransacked Lohan’s pad in August (not the first break-in at her home).
The crimes were similar, although Lohan reported a lot of expensive things stolen, whereas Audrina Patridge was mostly just shaken up emotionally.
This drunk moron’s security code was probably 1234. Or 696969.
Weeks before an arrest, authorities investigating surveillance tapes of both crimes noted similarities and believed the same person(s) were involved.
In both robberies, security cameras captured several people entering the celebs’ homes – one was a young male wearing a baseball cap and a t-shirt.
Prugo was arrested Thursday on suspicion of burglary, a felony offense. He’s currently being held on $20,000 bail and remains in police custody.
No word on whether any of the fancy jewels Lindsay had “stolen” have been recovered. Or if she just left them in a nightclub bathroom somewhere.