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It’s not exactly Lindsay Lohan nude as Marilyn Monroe, but this photo shoot does conjure up images of some of the beautiful celebrities of yesteryear.

In the new issue of Redbook, Faith Hill was transformed into some of that magazine’s past, iconic blonde cover girls in a serious of beautiful photos.

Here’s how she felt about portraying Twiggy: “She had such an innocence … Her version was beautiful and flawless, but for me, as a woman who’s come into her own a little more comfortably, it’s just a different kind of beauty.”

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On portraying Brigitte Bardot: “I felt least like Brigitte of all three women we did. Brigitte possesses this sensual essence that is so powerful … if I could possess that sensuality, I would want to possess it like she does.”

On portraying Grace Kelly: “My mother-in-law has always told me I remind her of Grace Kelly. I think it’s probably that I have this seemingly high-profile life, like Grace did, and that we were both the mother of three children.”

Click to enlarge pictures of the gorgeous country singer and wife of Tim McGraw posing as each of the aforementioned icons of a different era …