The second installment of The City was kinda weak last night, but what are you gonna do. It’s hard to one-up Jason Mesnick on The Bachelor on the same night.
Oh well. In typical fashion, The Hollywood Gossip staff has recapped the episode, “The L Word,” awarding and deducting points as it sees fit. Here’s our rundown …
On to the rankings!
“Have fun,” Duncan, Erin Lucas‘ boyfriend, says to Whitney, who’s still crashing on Erin’s couch, or so we are led to believe. Translation: Get. Out. Plus 4.
No offense to Erin and Dunc, but their relationship seems like a bit of a snooze-fest. Titanic, really? And some of their conversations may actually make us yearn for the awkward silences and passive-aggressive retorts on The Hills. Minus 5.
Whitney is at a photo shoot when Jay calls. He found an apartment for her to look at. “I feel like I should see it,” she tells an unmoved Olivia, “but obviously, work is my first priority.” Translation: Please tell me it’s okay for me to leave. Plus 2.
Said apartment is fairly nice. Like $6,000/month nice. No word on how she’ll be paying for that, but on The City, you don’t ask questions. Minus 1.
Is Whitney Port channeling her inner Audrina being a pushover these days?
An annoying Olivia Palermo offers the following unsolicited advice to Whit: “You have to be independent, I hope you’re not too demanding on Jay. You have to be your own person.” She’s either a stuck up b!tch, being fed lines by MTV, or both! Minus 5.
Olivia talks to her cousin, Nevan (Plus 3, because of course she has a cousin Nevan), who says he just got a $100 fine for spitting in public, but he thought it was perfectly legal, since he saw some chick do it on Flavor of Love. Plus 8.
While helping Whitney move in, Jay Lyon reveals his inner Justin-Bobby, denouncing Erin’s declaration of love for Duncan. Watch yourself, Whit. Minus 7.
Whitney and Erin are definitely cute as BFFs, boring as the latter might be. Plus 3.
After being up front with Jay about their relationship, Whitney backs down big-time, saying she’d like to be Jay’s girlfriend “if he wants” and having no response after he pretty much says he’s not that into her. Missed opportunity, girl. Minus 9.
TOTAL: -6! A lackluster effort this week, City. The jury’s still out on this show! Better step it up next week. Leave a comment with your own scores …