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Lindsay Lohan didn’t have a great Christmas.

On her latest MySpace blog, the actress went off on father Michael for his alleged affair years ago, one that produced likely daughter Ashley Kaufman.

i think that people go through a lot in life. and the things that we go through, whatever they may be, simply just make us stronger in the long run… that is, if we actually take what it is we have learned from our mistakes and teach ourselves what NOT to do in the future,” Lohan wrote, adding:

My father just let my family and i know, amongst others that he had another child after my little sister Aliana, or maybe he had it before Aliana?? either way, he cheated on my mother and that really sucks… MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Lindsay Lohan hates her crazy father, whose affair produced Ashley Kaufman. What a family.

Michael Lohan’s classy response?

“What real work has Lindsay done since [Samantha Ronson]? Maybe she should follow Britney or Drew’s paths and get rid of the darkness and come into the light.”

If Michael Lohan thinks Britney Spears has seen the light, then this guy is crazier than we thought.