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Sending text messages of a sexual nature to other girls?

Cheating on Brit with some random chick named Amanda Pagel, who freaks out and calls her equally random reality TV beau after the affair is exposed?

In recent days, several interesting rumors regarding Adnan Ghalib’s infidelity and general shadiness have been swirling in celeb news circles.

Until now, we assumed this was mere celebrity gossip, as Adnan was still making late-night trips to Britney Spears’ residence.

Now, we’re not so sure.

Adnan went to Britney Spears’ gated community last night and – according to a TMZ video – he got to see her all right … on his iPhone. Rejected!

Last night, Adnan Ghalib got to see Britney Spears … well, sort of.

The singer’s security detail negged Adnan Ghalib at the gate. Snap. Has he officially been ostracized from Britney’s inner circle, much like Sam Lutfi?

We’ll have to wait and see, but last night, he immediately had to hear about the dis from the surrounding pack of celebrity news photographers.

Talk about adding insult to injury.