We all knew Britney Spears was into self-destruction, image-wise. Well, a recent report suggests that the train wreck likes taking beatings in the bedroom as well.
At least that’s what Star magazine is claiming. That reputable celebrity gossip source reports that Britney’s new mansion has a “Fantasy Room” loaded with “ticklers, whips and fur-trimmed handcuffs,” as well as spanking paddles and a mirrored ceiling so she can watch her wild, crazy self go to town on dudes.
There’s also a rack of costumes Britney Spears likes to don when she does the nasty – schoolgirl, maid, and Cinderella, you name it. Man, that’s hot … sorta.

Watch out, Michael Marchand et al., Britney Spears is into pain!
A Star source also contends that Britney is so obsessed with Marilyn Monroe that she wants her nose redone to look like the self-destructive blond icon.
Oh, and it also claims Britney Spears is pregnant again. Hmm. Could Michael Marchand have enjoyed himself a little too much in the singer’s sex lair?
In claiming Britney Spears is pregnant, Star quotes Britney Spears herself:
“Yes, I am pregnant and I am shocked? it is almost four weeks to be exact,” says none other than Britney Spears, or someone claiming to be Britney, on her own MySpace page, according to Star. “I don’t really know if I’m happy or sad I’m just … idk … I am happy I guess. I saw the ultrasound and it was really kewl!“
Well, alright then.
Star also reports that Britney Spears’ house often features baby and dog feces on her white couches, and apparently the sex gear is sometimes left out in the living room, in full view of cute little mistakes Sean Preston and Jayden James.
We have to give the celebrity gossip tabloids credit on this story. Even if they are just making this stuff up out of nowhere, at least they’re getting creative.